Enhancing dairy sector export competitiveness - International Trade ...

Enhancing dairy sector export competitiveness - International Trade ...

Enhancing dairy sector export competitiveness - International Trade ...


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ENHANCING DAIRY SECTOR EXPORT COMPETITIVENESS IN PAKISTANBetween the two over-riding laws for food safety, there is an overlapping in food standards between thePakistan Pure Food Ordinance 1960 (PFO) and the Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority Act(PSQCA), 1996. The PFO does not cover contamination of food by pesticides, mycotoxins, specificmicroorganisms and, heavy metals while the PSQCA Act has a more domestic outlook and ignores qualitytesting, inspection and regulation of the imported food stuffs.In relations to the Codex Standards, the PFO lacks in covering import/<strong>export</strong> inspection and certification,exchange of information with <strong>export</strong> markets in rejection of food items in emergency situations,accreditation of imports/<strong>export</strong>s, and development of equivalence agreements and inspection in relation toSPS measures with the trading partners, and production and issuance of electronic certificates as perCodex guidelines. In comparison to this, the PSQCA Act is more comprehensive in covering a largerportion of the above standards but is weaker in terms of coordination with trading countries and importcertification.Impact AssessmentThe rising levels of Pakistan’s <strong>export</strong>s in recent years and the restrictions faced by food producers andprocessors in high-end markets such as the EU have provided an impetus for drafting of various new foodsafety laws and amendments of previous ones at the federal and provincial levels. A draft bill has beenproposed to the parliament for establishment of the Federal Food Safety, Animal and Plant HealthAuthority to overlook the SPS and TBT measures in compliance with the international regulations. Theprovinces have initiated amendments in the existing food laws to be implemented in their designatedterritories. The draft laws regarding milk safety and animal breeding have been submitted to the provincialcabinet of Punjab while Sindh and KPK are following course in drafting such laws. During the current year,Punjab Food Authority has been established and given regulatory powers to ensure food safety standardsin the province.Pakistan still needs to cover immense ground on major issues, other than food safety, such as SPSmeasures, traceability, residual control and testing in food and feed, implementation of Good AgriculturalPractices (GAP), quarantine treatment and safety of food packaging materials.Recommendations(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)It is proposed that international accreditation of food testing laboratories should be undertakenat the federal level and capacity building and enhancement of the food inspection services becarried out under NAPHIS.The Pure Food Ordinance (PFO) should be amended in view of the Codex standards toinclude 400 new food items including <strong>dairy</strong> products in addition to the existing 105 itemscurrently being covered by the legislation.The food testing laboratories working under the PSQCA and provincial governments should beupgraded to enhance their capacity for microbiological analysis.Currently there are no laws governing and regulating sale of the unprocessed milk produced inunorganized <strong>sector</strong> in the domestic market. The producers need to be incentivized through the<strong>dairy</strong> hubs to produce better quality milk. The regulations should include a mechanism toensure enforcement of quality standards with the provision of applying prohibitive penalties(civil and criminal) by the local authorities. 138The quality of packaged milk produced in the formal <strong>dairy</strong> industry should be regulated througha mandatory requirement of “Ingredient Labelling” which would show the actual ingredientsbeing used in the UHT/ pasteurized milk and other <strong>dairy</strong> products and would be open totesting. 139Improving Outreach of Financial SupportThe <strong>dairy</strong> as well as livestock farmers are generally unaware of the credit schemes offered to them by thegovernment through various government run as well as privately owned financial institutions.138 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KPKCCI)139 Currently none of the <strong>dairy</strong> processors include a mention of the ingredients used on the label of their packaged milk and <strong>dairy</strong>products. (Source: Punjab Livestock and Dairy Development Department)84

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