Enhancing dairy sector export competitiveness - International Trade ...

Enhancing dairy sector export competitiveness - International Trade ...

Enhancing dairy sector export competitiveness - International Trade ...


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ENHANCING DAIRY SECTOR EXPORT COMPETITIVENESS IN PAKISTANpackaging material such as tetrapak cartons. It is interesting to note that the UHT processing causes lessair damage through energy emissions whereas pasteurization is a bigger culprit that uses excessiveenergy during processing, refrigeration and transportation. Hence, there is a need for the government tomake a concrete proposal of either encouraging pasteurized milk processing or the UHT mode of milkprocessing, keeping in view the impact of the both on the environment and welfare of consumers andeconomy as a whole.The Pakistan Environmental Protection Act, 1997 requires milk and <strong>dairy</strong> processing facilities to undergoInitial Environmental Examination (IEE) at the time of commencing construction of the facility 67 or in casethe facility 68 is likely to have adverse environmental effects, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) isto be carried out by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA). However, compliance to these regulationsis very weak in Pakistan. This aspect of the industry has also been ignored in the Livestock and DairyDevelopment Policy of 2007.The issue and opportunity of biogas generation in the <strong>dairy</strong> industry has also not be considered or availedseriously. “The Pakistan Domestic Biogas Program” (PDGP) was initiated in January 2009 by the RuralSupport Programme with the financial assistance of SNV (Netherlands Development Organization) andunder the consultancy of Winrock <strong>International</strong>. The main objective of the project was to raise thelivelihoods of rural farmers and improve their quality of life by establishing a commercially viable biogas<strong>sector</strong> in Pakistan. The project, having set a target of establishing 14,000 biogas plants by the end of 2012,has not been able to foster its progress and has been able to construct only 70 biogas plants in the firstyear of its operation. The main reason is the preoccupation of its managers in streamlining itsinfrastructure, marketing and establishing linkages with various stakeholder organizations which is takingmuch of its time. 6967 Dairy facility with a total cost of less than Rs. 100 million (SMEDA)68 Dairy facility with a total cost of Rs. 100 million and above(SMEDA)69 Rural Support Program Network (RSPN), Pakistan Domestic Biogas Program (PDBP), http://rspn.org/our_projects/pdbp.html62

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