IBBS Field operations and monitoring manual English

IBBS Field operations and monitoring manual English

IBBS Field operations and monitoring manual English


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Integrated Behavioral <strong>and</strong> Biological Surveillance<strong>Field</strong> Operations <strong>and</strong> Monitoring ManualIn the last 12 months have you been awayfrom this city?If yes, name the last five cities traveled inthe past one year <strong>and</strong> how much time wasspent in each city:( most recent travel first)What is your Profession?What is your average monthly income?What is your current living arrangement?Currently, with whom you are living?Yes 1No 2No Response 98ABCDECityProfession_______________Rs. _______Don’t have anyNo responseFamily HomeDeraShrine/DarbarStreet/ LaneHostelGuest house/ HotelOthers_________________AloneWith relatives/familyWith friendsSexual partnersOthers ______________If No,skip toQ110Time in months9698123456123438

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