IBBS Field operations and monitoring manual English

IBBS Field operations and monitoring manual English

IBBS Field operations and monitoring manual English


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Integrated Behavioral <strong>and</strong> Biological Surveillance<strong>Field</strong> Operations <strong>and</strong> Monitoring ManualSection 4: AIDS knowledge, risk <strong>and</strong> avoidanceNo. QuestionsCoding categories Skip to Code501401 Have you ever heard of HIV or the diseasecalled AIDS?402 Can a healthy looking person be carryingHIV/AIDS?403 How do you think HIV/AIDS can betransmitted from one person to anotherperson?(Multiple responses are allowed)Do not read the listYesNoNo responseYesNoDon’t knowNo responseSexual intercourseSharp instruments /syringeInsect bitesKissing, Touching, HuggingEating & drinking withpatientsMother to childBlood transfusionStaying filthyThrough AnimalsDon’t knowNo responseOthers ____________1298129798Y/ N1 21 21 21 21 21 21 29798404 What method(s) do you kn ow of which canbe used to prevent HIV/AIDS?(Multiple responses are allowed. Do notread the list)405 Do you know where people can go, if theywant to do an HIV/AIDS test?Using CondomRefraining from sexStaying Away from patientsStaying cleanNo Blood transfusionUsing clean syringesDon’t knowNo responseOther_____________YesNoNo response406 If yes, where? Place ___________407 Do you think that you are at risk of gettingHIV?YesNoDon’t knowNo response408 Have you ever been tested for HIV/AIDS? YesNoDon’t KnowNo Response409 If Yes, what was the result of HIV/AIDStest?HIV +iveHIV ?iveDon’t KnowNo ResponseY/ N1 21 21 21 21 21 29798129812979812979812979840750144

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