investment statement for - Pumpkin Patch investor relations

investment statement for - Pumpkin Patch investor relations

investment statement for - Pumpkin Patch investor relations


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consequences ofinsolvency and/orwinding upSharesIn the event of insolvency of <strong>Pumpkin</strong> <strong>Patch</strong>, shareholders willnot be liable to anyone <strong>for</strong> payment of any money. In thesecircumstances, Shareholders would not receive any return ofmoney in respect of shares until <strong>Pumpkin</strong> <strong>Patch</strong> had paid all itsother creditors, both secured and unsecured, including thecosts of liquidation or receivership. Any assets remaining afterthe payments of debt would be distributed to <strong>Pumpkin</strong> <strong>Patch</strong>shareholders in proportion to their respective shareholdingsand may not be sufficient to repay shareholders in full.OptionsIn the event of insolvency of <strong>Pumpkin</strong> <strong>Patch</strong>, Option Holderswould not be liable to anyone <strong>for</strong> payment of any money.Option Holders are not entitled to share in any assets of theCompany.can the <strong>investment</strong> bealtered?The full terms of the Share Offer including the amounts payableon application <strong>for</strong> the Shares, are set out in the Prospectus andin this Investment Statement. Those terms may be altered by<strong>Pumpkin</strong> <strong>Patch</strong> by an amendment to the Prospectus, details ofwhich must be filed with the Registrar of Companies. However,those terms cannot be altered without <strong>investor</strong> consent afteran Application <strong>for</strong> Shares has been accepted. The terms ofthe Share Offer are described on pages 9 to 12.The rights attaching to the Shares are governed by theCompanies Act 1993 and the Constitution. The Constitutionmay be altered by a special resolution of shareholders, subjectto the rights of interest groups under the Companies Act 1993,or in certain circumstances by Court order. Section 117 of theCompanies Act 1993 restricts a company from taking anyaction which affects the rights attached to the Shares unlessthat action has been approved by a special resolution ofshareholders whose rights are affected by the action. Undercertain circumstances, a shareholder whose rights areaffected by a special resolution may require the Company topurchase its Shares.The full terms of the Option Offer (including the amountspayable on exercise) are set out in the Prospectus.Those terms may be altered by <strong>Pumpkin</strong> <strong>Patch</strong> by anamendment to the Prospectus, details of which must be filedwith the Registrar of Companies. However those terms cannotbe altered if they will substantially adversely affect thefinancial position of any Option Holder unless that OptionHolder consents to such alteration or the alteration isconsented to in writing by 75% of all then current OptionHolders.how do I cash in my<strong>investment</strong>?Under the Companies Act 1993, the Shares could be cancelledby <strong>Pumpkin</strong> <strong>Patch</strong> under a reduction of capital, share buybackor other <strong>for</strong>m of capital reconstruction. Subject to this,neither the Shareholders, <strong>Pumpkin</strong> <strong>Patch</strong>, nor any other personfashion created <strong>for</strong> kids45

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