Summer Calendar - St. Francis Xavier University

Summer Calendar - St. Francis Xavier University

Summer Calendar - St. Francis Xavier University


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ON-CAMPUS SPRINGCOURSESPSYC 220.30Cognitive PsychologyCRN 14237Lab CRN 14291P. McCormickPSYC 377.30Drugs and BehaviourCRN 14238K. BrebnerPSYC 378.30Human SexualityCRN 14239A. WeaverPSYC 380.30Forensic PsychologyCRN 14279M. WattRELS 110.30An Introduction to WorldReligionsCRN 14240G. MelchinSOCI 310.30GenderCRN 14241D. SmytheDATESApril 24 - June 186:00 pm - 9:00 pmTuesday / Wednesday /ThursdayRoom 124, AXApril 24 - June 189:00 am - 12:00 pmMonday / Tuesday / ThursdayRoom 337, JBBApril 24 - May 229:00 am - 12:00 pmMonday / Wednesday /ThursdayRoom 113, AXApril 24 – June 189:00 am – 12:00 pmMonday/Tuesday/WednesdayRoom 305, JBBLab Fee: $75 (in addition totuition)April 24 - June 181:00 pm - 4:00 pmMonday / Tuesday / WednesdayRoom 156, NHApril 24 - June 189:00 am - 12:00 pmMonday / Wednesday / FridayRoom 152, SWDESCRIPTIONThis course deals with the basic cognitive processes:perception, attention, memory, language, thinking andproblem solving. Prerequisite PSYC 100. Six credits.This course examines current perspectives and researchon the various classes of psychological abnormality.Courses in learning, brain and behavior, and personalityform a useful background for this course. Prerequisite:12 credits of PSYC. Six credits.This course provides a broad introduction to researchand theory in human sexuality. It includes examinationof fundamental topics such as the nature of humansexuality and also covers contemporary issues/topics.Specific topics addressed will include: historicalperspectives, theories of sexuality, sex research, sexualanatomy, sexual variation, sexual response, gender,sexual dysfunction and sex therapy. Prerequisite: 12credits PSYC. Cross-listed as WMGS 378. Three credits.This lecture and seminar course will focus on therelationship between psychology and law. Coursecontent will include the history of the relationshipbetween psychology and law; basic concepts in criminaljustice and the study of crime; and the nature ofoffending from a psychological perspective. Restrictedenrolment. Prerequisite: 12 credits PSYC, including PSYC370 or permission of the department chair. Field tripcomponent. Six credits.An introduction to the study of religion will be followedby a detailed consideration of the history, sacredliterature, beliefs, practices, institutions, andcontemporary situation of a number of religioustraditions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism andConfucianism, Shinto, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.Six credits.The course will examine the origin and persistence ofgender-based inequalities in our society and theirimpact on personal lives. Biological, psychological,economic, and cultural analyses of male-female socialrelations will be considered. Cross-listed as WMGS 310.Six credits.15

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