Summer Calendar - St. Francis Xavier University

Summer Calendar - St. Francis Xavier University

Summer Calendar - St. Francis Xavier University


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PHD IN EDUCATIONAL STUDIESThe PhD in Educational <strong>St</strong>udies is offered in partnership by <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Francis</strong> <strong>Xavier</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Mount Saint Vincent <strong>University</strong>,and Acadia <strong>University</strong>. This research-oriented doctoral program is jointly administrated by the Inter-<strong>University</strong> DoctoralAdministrative Committee (IDAC). Applicants are admitted to one university and graduate from that Home Institution ofRecord. The website for the inter-university doctoral program is www.educationphd.ns.ca.Doctoral students can focus their studies on one or more of six interrelated themes: curriculum studies, educationalfoundations and leadership, inclusive education, lifelong learning, literacies, and the psychological aspects of education.Applicants are encouraged to review the research interests of education faculty members at all three participatinguniversities, available at their respective websites. An average of 14 students will be admitted each year: 6 at Mount <strong>St</strong>.Vincent <strong>University</strong>, 4 at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Francis</strong> <strong>Xavier</strong> <strong>University</strong> and 4 at Acadia <strong>University</strong>. The IDAC may consider applicants on acase-by-case basis and waive the fixed application date, if deemed warranted and if space is available in the program forthat year.ADMISSION REQUIREMENTSA Master’s level degree from a recognized university in education or in a related field of study (a cognate discipline);Normally, a graduate thesis in a field related to the proposed doctoral studies. Those applicants who have notcompleted a thesis are required to submit evidence of their ability to undertake research in education through thecompletion of a qualifying research paper of sufficient depth and scope to reflect their research competence;Evidence of scholarly preparation to conduct research, normally including graduate level courses in quantitativeand/or qualitative research methods and design;Three letters of reference, normally including two academic and one professional;A recent curriculum vitae indicating current initiatives in education and any academic, scholarly work to date;A letter of intent indicating a proposed area of study from among the six interrelated themes of educational studies;A minimum of A- or 80% average in his or her highest degree.Note: Qualified applicants will only be admitted if a suitable supervisor and program can be provided. To achievesuccess in this doctoral program, applicants must demonstrate strong reading, writing, and comprehension skills in theEnglish language.39

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