Summer Calendar - St. Francis Xavier University

Summer Calendar - St. Francis Xavier University

Summer Calendar - St. Francis Xavier University


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ONLINE SUMMER COURSES DATES DESCRIPTIONINFO 225.66Information SystemsHardware and SoftwareCRN14016H. MarziJune 25 - August 20 This course covers the fundamentals of computer hardware,system software, and data representation in computer system. Thematerial is designed for students who will be information systemsprofessionals and need to understand the basic underlyingcomponents and architecture of computers in order to makeknowledgeable decisions about computer hardware and systemsoftware. The course discusses processor technology, and inputoutput devices in computer. Various data storage and memory arediscussed. Operating systems will be described. Prerequisite: INFO255 & INFO 256. Credit will be granted for only one of INFO 225,CSCI 365, 375. Three credits.INFO 374.66Geographic InformationSystemsCRN 14017CRN Lab 14018M. SchumacherMATH 112.66Calculus IICRN 14019Lab CRN 14020P. WangMUSI 118.66World MusicCRN 14021T. O’MahoneyJune 25 - August 20June 25 - August 20June 25 - August 20<strong>St</strong>udents will learn how GIS tools can be used to analyze, representand model geographic data derived from censuses, surveys, maps,aerial photographs, and satellite imagery. Topics includecartography and map projections; spatial and attribute data; datacapture techniques; vector and raster structure; GIS analysis; datavisualization; GIS modeling. Prerequisite: permission of theinstructor. Cross-listed as ESCI 471. Three credits and lab.This course is an introduction to integral calculus for functions ofone variable. Topics include: definite and indefinite integrals, thefundamental theorem of calculus, methods of integration,numerical approximation of definite integral, applications to areaand volume, probability density functions and distributions,differential equations, and Taylor polynomials. Prerequisite: MATH111. Three credits.This survey course is an introduction to various popular musictraditions from around the world. Although the course focuses onpopular music, the course also explores how the folkloric andindigenous musical traditions helped shape the contemporarymusical sound of that region or country. The goal of the course isto introduce the learner to the musical characteristics as well asthe social and spiritual implications that make each region’s musicdistinct and interesting. The historical development of the music,melodic/rhythmic/ harmonic/formal structures, indigenousinstruments, the role of singing, significant musical occasions,recent changes in musical traditions, and current popular musicstyles (possibly derived from folkloric styles) will be presented. Thecourse will focus on the music of the Caribbean region, LatinAmerica, Brazil, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia (India), theMiddle East, and Southeast Asia (Japan, China, Thailand andIndonesia). There are no prerequisite for this course and itsdelivery should be easily understood by all students, regardless ofprevious musical experience. Three credits.25

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