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PDF File - The Indian Society for Parasitology

PDF File - The Indian Society for Parasitology


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12 Soodconcentration (Kocher et al., 2002a). <strong>The</strong> female of phosphoenolpyruvate and ATP is generated, whenfractions had a particularly high activity of protease (s) the latter is reduced to pyruvate. Activity of ME hasin comparision with the male fractions, especially of been studied in adult H. contortus (Kaur and Sood,membrane-bound enzymes in the anterior half. 1982b). <strong>The</strong> in vitro treatments with TMS had noInhibition/activation studies revealed the presence of significant effect. However, after RFX treatment, MEfour kinds of protease (s) in the cystosolic and activity was reduced to 38%.membrane-bound fractions. Protease (s) in differentfractions are purified to a greater extent by higherKaur and Sood (1982a) studied the effect of TMS andconcentrations of saturated ammonium sulphateRFX on total volatile fatty acids under in vitrosolutions, i.e., ranging from 50 to 65%. <strong>The</strong>conditions.purification study revealed the presence of multiple<strong>for</strong>ms of protease (s) in cystosolic and membrane-IMMUNOLOGYbound extracts of H. contortus.Chemotherapy is an inadequate means of controllinghaemonchosis because of the development ofStudies have also been made to elucidate the inhibition resistance to anthelmintics. In view of the severeof protease (and lipase activity) from excretory- pathogenicity and economic losses due tosecretory products, cystosolic and membrane bound haemonchosis, various other strategies, includingfractions of male and female H. contortus by breed resistance, biological control andimmunoglobulins raised in rabbits against cytosolic immunological control through vaccine are beingfraction (Kocher et al.,1996).studied. Immunology is an exciting area <strong>for</strong>Biochemistry in taxonomy<strong>for</strong>mulating new products <strong>for</strong> therapeutic anddiagnostic purposes. In immunological controlPossibility of the use of electrophoresis in methods, with vaccines as targets, specificpolyacrylamide gel <strong>for</strong> taxonomy of helminths is well immunodominant antigens play a significant role.established. Electrophoretic analysis of proteins ofImmunoparasitology of Haemonchus infestation hasknobbed and lingui<strong>for</strong>m morphs of female H.been reviewed (Kapur et al., 2001). <strong>The</strong> topicscontortus revealed marked differences (Sood anddiscussed are: vaccination, genetic control, immuneKapur, 1982a). Proteins of knobbed <strong>for</strong>m have 13responese, transfer of immunity, immunodiagnosticsfractions, and those of lingui<strong>for</strong>m 14. Further, inand host effects.knobbed <strong>for</strong>m, there are 3 bands at cathode and 2 atanode, while in lingui<strong>for</strong>m morph, at cathode, there <strong>The</strong> various aspects of H. contortus immunology,are 5 bands and at anode only one. This observation reported from India are as follows:(along with other evidences) tends to support the viewof subspeciation in H. contortus.Kaur et al. (2002a) used Dot-ELISA to study kineticsof hyperimmune sera of rabbits immunized with adultMiscellaneousH. contortus. A high titre sera were obtained inimmunized rabbits and observed to be maintained <strong>for</strong>Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) plays a central role180 days, in response to adult H. contortus solublein amino acid deamination and in the <strong>for</strong>mation of α-extract which can be of significant value in the identiaminonitrogen groups <strong>for</strong>m ammonia. Its optimum fication of immunodominant antigens and theiractivity (162 nmoles/min/mg protein) is at pH 7.0 and further characterization using natural host sera.temperature of 27° C (Kapur et al., 1984). Earlier studies of Sood et al. (1996) have shown that<strong>The</strong>rmostability of GDH has also been studied competitive-inhibition Dot-ELISA using adult H.(Harpreet et al., 1991. <strong>The</strong> in vitro effects of NLZ, contortus antigen is able to detect as low as 10 pg of theABZ, NLV, NLF, TP and FBZ have been studied in antigen and can be suitably applied at the field leval <strong>for</strong>AkPase and AcPase. All the six drugs caused decrease mass screening of infected animals. To enhance thisin the enzyme levels of AkPase, the maximum effect sensitivity Kapur-Ghai et al. (2004) have developedbeing exerted by NLZ. In AcPase, marked decrease in avidin-biotin ELISA <strong>for</strong> detection of H. contortusthe level was observed, maximum effect being caused antigens.by NLF (Kaur and Sood, 1993).Immunodominant antigens of adult H. contortus thatMalic enzyme (ME) is one of the enzymes involved in can evoke a protective immune response in the hostCO 2 fixation and its presence suggests an alternate fate have been identified (Kaur et al., 2002b). Since the

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