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PDF File - The Indian Society for Parasitology

PDF File - The Indian Society for Parasitology


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50Ravindran and WilliamsTable IV. Details of species specific habitat positivity and survey particularsParticulars Domestic wells Bed pools Puddles Hoof-printsNo. surveyed 225 175 275 217No. positive <strong>for</strong>Anopheles breeding 87 (59) 93 (56) 136 (74) 62 (35)No. positive <strong>for</strong>Culex breeding 49 (27) 51 (33) 79 (45) 88 (65)Habitat positivity <strong>for</strong> breeding (%):An. subpictus 1.7 82.1 55.4 40An. vagus 8.5 32.1 32.4 65.7An. nigerrimus 3.4 3.6 10.8 5.7An. barbirostris 11.9 16.1 21.6 3An. stephensi 88.1 1.8 1.4 5.7An. aconitus 1.7 0 0An. annularis 1.7 17.9 4.1 0An. pallidus 0 1.8 5.4 2.9An. culicifacies 5.1 17.9 13.5 8.6Cx. tritaeniorhynchus 77.8 15.1 26.7 13.9Cx. vishnui 0 0 6.7 7.7Cx. bitaeniorhynchus 0 3 0 0Cx. gelidus 3.7 0 4.4 0Cx. fuscocephala 0 0 2.2 0Cx. (Lutzia) fuscanus 3.7 0 6.7 4.6Cx. (Lophoceraomyia) sp. 18..5 0 0 0Cx. vagans 0 0 0 3.1Cx. quinquefasciatus 77.8 15.1 26.7 13.9Ae. scathophagoides 0 0 4.4 0Ae. aegypti 3.7 0 0 0Ae. vexans 0 0 4.4 0(Figures in parenthesis denote the number of habitats where adult mosquitoes emerged)Various mosquitoes sp. found breeding in puddles, bed was most commonly encountered in all breedingpools, hoof-prints and domestic wells are shown in habitats, whereas Cx. pseudovishnui was notTable I. Puddles with rainwater were found to harbour encountered in any of the breeding habitats. Cx.the maximum number of species (16 nos.). Except <strong>for</strong> vishnui was collected from puddles and hoof-printsAe. scathophagoides, all mosquitoes breeding in only. Reuben (1971) reported breeding of Cx.irrigation wells were also observed breeding in these tritaeniorhynchus and Cx. vishnui in wells, ponds,habitats. An. stephensi was found to breed profusely in ditches, irrigation channels, borrow pits and from ricedomestic wells and An. culicifacies in bed pools and fields (fallow or planted) in North Arcot district ofpuddles (Table IV). Breeding of An. stephensi in bed Tamil Nadu.pools, hoof-prints and puddles is rather unusual butsimilar observations have been reported (Yadav et al.,Interspecific association (Table V) with regard to use1989). Breeding of An. stephensi in hoof-printsof habitats <strong>for</strong> breeding of vectors (An. culicifacies,with rainwater collections in Chennai outskirts hasAn. stephensi, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus and Cx.been reported (Vasanthi, 1996). An. stephensi wasquinquefasciatus) existed between An. stephensi andpredominant breeder in domestic wells, An.An. culicifacies, and Cx. quinquefasciatus and Cx.subpictus in bed pools and puddles and An. vagus intritaeniorhynchus in bed pools, indicating bed pools tohoof-prints. Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, among JE vectorsbe a very favourable source where all vector speciesof various diseases co-existed. In canal irrigated area

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