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PDF File - The Indian Society for Parasitology

PDF File - The Indian Society for Parasitology


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78 Ghosh and GayenDescription of the specimens:N. ovalis Leidy, 1849Habitat: Maximum number of specimens was foundin the colon of hind-gut.Morphology: Various morphological characteristicsof N. ovalis have been studied including body length(L) and width (W) and their ratios (L/W),macronucleus length (ML) and width (MW) and theirratios (ML/MW; Table II).stains lightly. Also variable <strong>for</strong>ms of macronucleus arecommon in N. ovalis. Available <strong>for</strong>ms here arespherical, ovoid, cylindrical, club shaped, semi-ovoid<strong>for</strong>ms. Light micrograph of N. ovalis showingvariation in nuclear shape (Fig. 2).Genus Balantidium Claparède and Lachmann,1858Habitat: Colon of the hind-gut.<strong>The</strong> body observed to be oval, comparatively wider inposterior than anterior. Elongated macronucleussituated at anterior one-third. Body length variedfrom 57-123.5 µm and width from 47-95 µm.Cytopyge terminal and oval or slit like in shape.Peristome begins at the anterior end turns slightly tothe right and ends in cytostome located midwaybetween the ends. Nuclear length varied from 19-47.5µm and width from 9.5-23.75 µm. In our study, bodydimensions of N. ovalis were relatively smaller thanthose described by Leidy, 1849. When the L/W ratiowas considered, it can be said that the specimens were E. blattae Bütschli, 1878slightly oval whereas ML/MW ratio indicated thatnuclear shape varied from spherical to ovoid andelongated.Morphology: Body was pear shaped, anterior endtapering, slightly bent to the side opposite to theperistome. Small peristome observed about onefourththe body length. Endoplasm was coarselygranular. Macronucleus was spherical (diameter 9.5-14.25 µm) and placed behind the peristome in thecenter of the body. Body length varied from 57-76 µmand width from 38-57 µm. Fig. 3 shows generalmorphology of Balantidium sp. under a light,microscope, stained with Heidenhain s ironhematoxylin. A large contractile vacuole was presentat the posterior end in B. blattarum (Ghosh, 1922b)that was lacking in this specimen.Habitat: Colon and ileum of hind-gut.Morphology: Amoeba with few, broad pseudopodiaFig. 1 shows the general morphology of N. ovalis and showed distinct ectoplasm and endoplasm.under a light microscope and stained with Endoplasm was clear and homogeneous. Nucleus,Heidenhain s iron hematoxylin (a) and using Feulgenwith characteristic round or ovoid shape of thisnuclear stain (b). Compact macronucleus gave strongparasite can be easily distinguished. Dark granules arepositive reaction in Feulgen test where micronucleusalso found along its peripheral region with lightAnVMaMaCPP9.5 µm(a)PCyAn,Fig. 1. General morphology of N. ovalis under a light microscope: (a) stained with Heidenhains iron hematoxylin, (b) using Feulgennuclear stain. An. anterior, P. posterior, V. vestibular opening, CP. cytopharynx, Ma. macronucleus, Cy. cytopyge.(b)9.5 µm

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