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PDF File - The Indian Society for Parasitology

PDF File - The Indian Society for Parasitology


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Journal of Parasitic Diseases: Vol. 30, No. 1, June 2006, 1-3J P DA Note from the New Editor-in-Chief“What the Author Expects from the Editors”. This has <strong>The</strong> Members of Editorial Board, who must be expertsbeen expressed by Dr. Earl H. Wood of Mayo Clinic as in their respective fields, in turn, have a very important“I expect the editor to accept all my papers, accept responsibility of sending the manuscripts to suitablethem as they are submitted, and publish them Reviewers/Referees/Consultants, determine thepromptly. I also expect him or her to scrutinize all quality of these manuscripts and then send theirother papers with utmost care, especially those of my recommendations to the Editor-in-Chief. <strong>The</strong>ircompetitors”.recommendations regarding the suitability of themanuscripts <strong>for</strong> publication, revision or rejection areMy association with Journal of Parasitic Diseasescrucial <strong>for</strong> the Editor-in-Chief in making a final(started as <strong>Indian</strong> Journal of <strong>Parasitology</strong>) is bothdecision, and thus, in maintaining the qualitypersonal and somewhat historical, and goes nearly 30standards of the journal. <strong>The</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e, the Editor-inyearsback when in 1976 the first issue of the journalChief must decide upon an appropriate size of thewas released in the main conference hall of the CentralEditorial Board taking into consideration the expertiseDrug Research Institute, Lucknow. Certainly, it mustof its Members which should be in consonance withhave been born out of the hard work andboth the dimensions of the scope of the journal and theuncompromised dedication of several Members of thenumber of manuscripts to be handled.<strong>Society</strong>, and the vision of its Founder Editor-in-Chief,late Dr. B. N. Singh. And with this issue, in a new style <strong>The</strong> Reviewers/Referees/Consultants read, evaluateand <strong>for</strong>mat, my tenure as Editor-in-Chief has just and return the manuscripts along with their commentsbegun.prepared in accordance with the instructions provided.<strong>The</strong>se comments must be specific and not abstract,<strong>The</strong> Editor-in-Chief of a journal is ultimatelypoint errors related both to fact and interpretations,responsible <strong>for</strong> its quality standards and acceptabilityindicate inaccuracies and ambiguities, and also mustby the audience it addresses. His or her singular goalclearly suggest as to how to condense, enlarge andshould be to deliver the readers a package of goodimprove upon the style of writing. In biologicalscience in a good and simple language. <strong>The</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e, thesciences, hardly 5% manuscripts are accepted withoutfinal decision to accept or not to accept a manuscriptany revision. “<strong>The</strong> Guidelines <strong>for</strong> Reviewers,<strong>for</strong> publication or to send it back <strong>for</strong> modification mustAmerican <strong>Society</strong> <strong>for</strong> Microbiology”, <strong>for</strong>mulatedbe the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief only. Forbased on the policies recommended by a committee ofarriving at such a decision, he or she should carefullythe Council of Biology Editors is usually very helpfulgo through the manuscript and take into consideration<strong>for</strong> the Reviewers/Referees/Consultants. <strong>The</strong> helpthe recommendations, and the reports and commentsprovided by them is generally acknowledged in theof the Editorial Board Members and Reviewers/<strong>for</strong>m of listing their names in the last issue of the year.Referees/Consultants, respectively. However, <strong>for</strong> theBecause a manuscript is the intellectual property of itsresolution of complicated and controversial matters,authors, it must be treated as a privileged confidentialthe Editor-in-Chief should also be willing to take thecommunication throughout, till published.help of Advisory Board Members, should such asituation arise.<strong>The</strong> Managing Editor of a journal is usually not

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