PDF File - The Indian Society for Parasitology

PDF File - The Indian Society for Parasitology

PDF File - The Indian Society for Parasitology


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Editor's Note3this policy may not become visible very soon, but sets of problems, and may not be able to make printcertainly in the long run it is going to be beneficial, journals obsolete so soon.both to the authors and the journal. I would like to takethis opportunity to assure our authors that the entireIn closing, I would like to sincerely thank Dr. V. P.Editorial Board is on their side, to help them inSharma (Chairman) and Members of the committee topublishing good science. Here, I must bring to yourconstitute new Editorial Board Prof. M. S. Jairajpurikind attention that our journal has a big problem of not(<strong>for</strong>mer President of the <strong>Society</strong>), Prof. Veena Tandonhaving a suitable number of quality manuscripts(President of the <strong>Society</strong>), Prof. Nancy Malla (<strong>for</strong>meravailable <strong>for</strong> publication. And, this often results in theEditor-in-Chief), Dr. J. K. Saxena (Secretary of thedelayed release of a particular issue of the journal.<strong>Society</strong>), Dr. L. M. Tripathi (Treasurer of the <strong>Society</strong>),Dr. S. Dutta and Dr. S. L. Hoti, and to the <strong>Society</strong> atIn an editorial titled “On the Future of Scholarly large, <strong>for</strong> the honour of offering me this importantJournals”, published in Science (17 April 1998, 279, responsibility and <strong>for</strong> reposing confidence in me. I359), the author Alen M. Edelson has very should like to take this opportunity to especially thankappropriately emphasized the potential impact of Prof. R. C. Mahajan and Dr. G. P. Dutta <strong>for</strong> theirdigital/electronic publishing on print publishing. valuable suggestions. I should also like to thank thePresently, most of our print journals are suffering from authors of this issue and to the future authors. I deem itfinancial crunch because of declining library budgets, my greatest pleasure to thank Prof. P. Ramarao,escalating costs, reduction/cancellation in Director, National Institute of Pharmaceuticalsubscriptions and, of course, increasing manuscript Education and Research, <strong>for</strong> his help andpressure. Digital/electronic publishing, on the other encouragement without which it would not have beenhand, can be expected to be cost-effective and would possible <strong>for</strong> me to undertake this responsibility.allow greater and relatively more convenient Finally, I thank our printer Mr. Lalit Azad, <strong>for</strong> his keenaccessibility to scientific in<strong>for</strong>mation. <strong>The</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e, I interest and excellent work in a timely manner. I ambelieve in the need that Journal of Parasitic Diseases confident that with our joint ef<strong>for</strong>ts, Journal ofalso must run with the times, and should evolve Parasitic Diseases will continue to maintain its highstrategies to digitalize it in a bigger way, including on- standards and surge to new heights. I shall continue toline submission and processing of manuscripts. interact with you all from time to time.Nevertheless, it is becoming increasingly clear thatelectronic journals will also be fraught with their ownPrati Pal Singh, Ph. D., F. N. A. Sc.Editor-in-Chief

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