SuiteTalk (Web Services) Platform Guide - NetSuite

SuiteTalk (Web Services) Platform Guide - NetSuite

SuiteTalk (Web Services) Platform Guide - NetSuite


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<strong>Web</strong> <strong>Services</strong> OperationsgetPostingTransactionSummary168// Prompt for list of nsKeys and put in an array_console.write("\nnsKeys for records to retrieved (separated by commas): ");String reqKeys = _console.readLn();String[] nsKeys = reqKeys.split(",");}return getCustomerList(nsKeys, false);getPostingTransactionSummaryThe getPostingTransactionSummary operation allows you to retrieve a summary of the actualdata that posted to the general ledger in an account. You can use available filters/fields togenerate reports that are similar to what you see when you run financial reports such as a TrialBalance, Balance Sheet, or an Income Statement.Note: For information about <strong>NetSuite</strong> financial reports and financial statements, seethese topics in the <strong>NetSuite</strong> Help Center:• Financial Reports• Financial Statements OverviewThe getPostingTransactionSummary operation returns the fields defined inPostingTransactionSummary. You can query by any filter defined inPostingTransactionSummaryFilter and group the results by any field defined inPostingTransactionSummaryField.The first call to the operation returns the first page, total number of hits (totalRecords), and thenumber of pages. You can then retrieve subsequent pages by giving the page number. <strong>NetSuite</strong>caches the results after the first call to getPostingTransactionSummary as subsequent pages arebeing retrieved. The cache is reset if the session expires, or if you make another call to thisoperation with a page index of 1.Also note:• This operation can only be executed in a role that has the Financial Statementspermission assigned. To enable this permission for a role, a <strong>NetSuite</strong> administratormust go to Setup > User Roles > Manage Roles > click the Reports tab > selectFinancial Statments from the Permission drop-down > click Save.• Because the same operation is used for every page, make sure the fields and filterssupplied are the same for every page requested, otherwise an error will be thrown.• To search for null, specify -1. If the return is null, the element will be skipped (not -1).• For very large reports (for example, you have chosen all the columns), the query willtake a very long time on first request, but subsequent requests will be fast. Make sureyour timeout limit is set high.Important: The information in the following paragraph pertains to <strong>NetSuite</strong> OneWorldaccounts only.<strong>SuiteTalk</strong> <strong>Platform</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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