SuiteTalk (Web Services) Platform Guide - NetSuite

SuiteTalk (Web Services) Platform Guide - NetSuite

SuiteTalk (Web Services) Platform Guide - NetSuite


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<strong>Web</strong> <strong>Services</strong> OperationsgetPostingTransactionSummary169The amounts returned from getPostingTransactionSummary are in the currency of thesubsidiary, not the parent. If you want the amounts in the currency of the parent, you mustprogrammatically apply the appropriate exchange rate. To obtain exchange rates, you must callgetConsolidatedExchangeRate, which reads data from <strong>NetSuite</strong>’s Consolidated Exchange Ratetable. In your code, you must then multiply amount values returned bygetPostingTransactionSummary by the exchange rate values returned bygetConsolidatedExchangeRate.Although the <strong>NetSuite</strong> UI automatically consolidates all amounts, you must perform your ownexchange rate calculations in <strong>Web</strong> services.Note: You may want to do planning in your local currency, in which case there is no needfor exchange rate conversions.RequestThe GetPostingTransactionSummaryRequest type is used for the request.Element Name XSD Type Notesfields PostingTransactionSummaryField Specify how you want your data grouped.filters PostingTransactionSummaryFilter Specify your filtering criteria.pageIndex xsd:int Specify the page to be returned.PostingTransactionSummaryFieldElement Name XSD Type Notesperiod RecordRef Specifiy to group data by period.account RecordRef Specifiy to group data by account.parentItem RecordRef Specifiy to group data by parent item.item RecordRef Specifiy to group data by item.customer RecordRef Specifiy to group data by customer.department RecordRef Specifiy to group data by department.class RecordRef Specifiy to group data by class.location RecordRef Specifiy to group data by location.subsidiary RecordRef Specifiy to group data by subsidiary.PostingTransactionSummaryFilterElement Name XSD Type Notesperiod RecordRef Filter your request by period.account RecordRef Filter your request by account.parentItem RecordRef Filter your request by parent item.item RecordRef Filter your request by item.<strong>SuiteTalk</strong> <strong>Platform</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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