SuiteTalk (Web Services) Platform Guide - NetSuite

SuiteTalk (Web Services) Platform Guide - NetSuite

SuiteTalk (Web Services) Platform Guide - NetSuite


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<strong>Web</strong> <strong>Services</strong> OperationsgetSavedSearch177getSavedSearch}}continue; // the Target Subsidiary will not have a conversion rate to itself.System.out.println("\n\nFor Subsidiary: " + unConsolidated.getSubsidiary().getInternalId() +" to Consolidated Parent (1).\nPeriod: " + unConsolidated.getPeriod().getInternalId() +"\nAccount Id: " + unConsolidated.getAccount().getInternalId() +"\nUnconsolidated Amount is: " + unConsolidated.getAmount() +"\nConsolidated Amounts are (Avg/Historical/Current): "+ (unConsolidated.getAmount()*rate.getAverageRate()) + " / " +(unConsolidated.getAmount()*rate.getHistoricalRate()) + " / " +(unConsolidated.getAmount()*rate.getCurrentRate()));This operation allows users to retrieve a list of existing saved search IDs on a per-record-typebasis (for example, all saved search IDs for every Customer saved search). Note that once youretrieve the list of saved search IDs, you may need to look in the <strong>NetSuite</strong> UI to see the criteriadefined for the saved search. To navigate to the list of saved searches in the <strong>NetSuite</strong> UI, go toLists > Search > Saved Searches.This API takes a search record type as a request argument and returns a list of record referencesof the saved search.For use cases explaining why you would want to get a list of saved search IDs and thenreference a specific ID in your code, see Reference Existing Saved Searches.Note: There is no async equivalent for this operation.RequestThe GetSavedSearchRequest type is used for the request. It contains the following fields.Element Name XSD Type Notesrecord Record Contains an array of record objects. The record type is an abstracttype so an instance of a type that extends record must be used—such as Customer or Event.ResponseThe GetSavedSearchResponse type is used for the response. It contains the following fields.Element Name XSD Type Notesstatus Status The status for this operation. All applicable errors or warnings arelisted within this type.totalRecords xsd:int The total number of records for this search. Depending on thepageSize value, some or all the records may be returned in thisresponserecordList Record[] A list of records that correspond to the specified ids. The actualrecords returned need to be of a type that extends the abstracttype Record.<strong>SuiteTalk</strong> <strong>Platform</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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