SuiteTalk (Web Services) Platform Guide - NetSuite

SuiteTalk (Web Services) Platform Guide - NetSuite

SuiteTalk (Web Services) Platform Guide - NetSuite


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Chapter 9TypesThis section describes the following:• Built-in Types: primitive or derived datatypes defined in the XML Schemaspecification• Complex Types: <strong>NetSuite</strong> derived datatypes• Custom Field Types: datatypes used for custom fields• Search Types: datatypes used for search records• <strong>Platform</strong> Enumerations: datatypes used to populate system defined listsA WSDL document in <strong>Web</strong> services uses the XML Schema to define the structure, semanticsand constraints of the messages sent between the sender and recipient. The XML Schema is aW3C standard.There is a strong analogy between object-oriented programming and XML Schema. A typedefined in XML Schema can be used to represent an instance of that type in an XMLdocument. Therefore, the body of a SOAP message consists of a combination of such instancesof an XML Schema type.Built-in TypesBuilt-in (or primitive) types are those that are not defined in terms of other datatypes. They areused as a standardized way to define, send, receive and interpret basic data types in SOAPmessages. Primitive data types used in the <strong>SuiteTalk</strong> can be modified for display purposes. Forexample, although a price field may be passed in the SOAP messages using an integer primitivedata type, the <strong>NetSuite</strong> UI may format the value with a currency symbol for display purposes.Of the extensive set of built-in (or primitive) types provided by the XML Schema languagespecification, the <strong>SuiteTalk</strong> implementation uses the following built-in types. For detailedinformation on XML Schema built-in types, refer to http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/.• string: represents character strings in XML• int: derived from the decimal type and represents the standard concept of the integernumbers• double: is patterned after the IEEE double-precision 64-bit floating point type• boolean: represents the concept of binary-valued logic: {true, false}. In <strong>NetSuite</strong>, aboolean field can be set to true, false, 1 to indicate true, or 0 to indicate false.• In the 2010.2 endpoint and beyond, <strong>SuiteTalk</strong> validates boolean values. Each valuemust be a true xsd boolean (0,1,true,false) as per the W3C spec. For details, seethe spec here.<strong>SuiteTalk</strong> <strong>Platform</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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