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Download Full Catalog - Lamar State College - Port Arthur

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Page | 84Laboratory instruction in production techniques in scenery, lighting, costumes and other technical areas. Course maybe repeated three times for a total of three semester hours.A student may not take more than nine hours of theater practicum.2121 Theater Practicum IV ........................................................................................................................................... 1:1:5Laboratory instruction in production techniques in scenery, lighting, costumes and other technical areas. Course maybe repeated three times for a total of three semester hours.A student may not take more than nine hours of theater practicum.2336 Voice for the Theater ............................................................................................................................................ 3:3:0Builds vocal development, vocabulary and pronunciation skills through systematic drills and exercises with theapplication of the performer’s use of the voice as a creative instrument of effective communication. Encourages anawareness of the need for vocal proficiency and employs techniques designed to improve the performer’s speakingabilities.2351 Acting III ............................................................................................................................................................. 3:3:0A continuation of acting with emphasis on various styles of acting.Prerequisite: Basic skills competency in reading required.2352 Acting IV .............................................................................................................................................................. 3:3:0A continuation of the study of the principles and practices of acting.Prerequisite: Basic skills competency in reading required.2361 History of the Theater I ....................................................................................................................................... 3:3:0Development of theater art from the earliest times through the 21th Century.English courses (ENGL):Students who have not passed the THEA test (Texas Higher Education Assessment Test) will take a campusplacement test and be enrolled in one of thedevelopmental English courses until they satisfactorily perform on theTHEA.Credit:Lec:Lab1301 Composition ......................................................................................................................................................... 3:3:0Intensive study of and practice in writing processes, from invention and researching to drafting, revising, andediting, both individually and collaboratively. Emphasis on effective rhetorical choices, including audience, purpose,arrangement, and style. Focus on writing the academic essay as a vehicle for learning, communicating, and criticalanalysis.Prerequisite: basic skills competency in reading and writing required.1302 Composition ......................................................................................................................................................... 3:3:0Intensive study of and practice in the strategies and techniques for developing research-based expository andpersuasive texts. Emphasis on effective and ethical rhetorical inquiry, including primary and secondary researchmethods; critical reading of verbal, visual, and multimedia texts; systematic evaluation, synthesis, anddocumentation of information sources; and critical thinking about evidence and conclusions.Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 or its equivalentNote: Students whose degree plan requires both English 1301 and 1302 must take these courses in sequence.2307 Creative Writing I ................................................................................................................................................ 3:3:0A workshop approach to the writing of poetry, fiction and drama.Prerequisite: Basic skills competency in reading and writing required.2311 Technical Writing .............................................................................................................................................. 3:3:0Intensive study of and practice in professional settings. Focus on the types of documents necessary to make decisionsand take action on the job, such as proposals, reports, instructions, policies and procedures, e-mail messages, letters,and descriptions of products and services. Practice individual and collaborative processes involved in the creation ofethical and efficient documents.Prerequisite: ENGL 1301 (Composition I)2321 Masterworks of British Literature ....................................................................................................................... 3:3:0Critical study of six to ten major works of British literature, including writers from most of the important periods.Prerequisite: ENGL 13012326 Masterworks of American Literature .................................................................................................................... 3:3:0Critical study of six to ten major works of American literature, including both the 19th and 20th centuries.Prerequisite: ENGL 13012331 Masterworks of World Literature ........................................................................................................................ 3:3:0Critical study of six to ten major monuments of world literature, from classical antiquity to the present century.Prerequisite: ENGL 13012341 Forms of Literature ............................................................................................................................................. 3:3:0

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