abstracts and bios cover_final.indd - LIME Network

abstracts and bios cover_final.indd - LIME Network

abstracts and bios cover_final.indd - LIME Network


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Dr Kathryn RobertsonKathryn is a general practitioner <strong>and</strong> medical educator with a particular interest inconsulting skills <strong>and</strong> including the patient’s perspective in the training of health carepractitioners. She has over 20 years experience working with simulated patients, <strong>and</strong>established the Simulated Patient Program at The University of Melbourne in 1995,the evaluation of which became the subject of her MEd Thesis. She worked with ShaunEwen <strong>and</strong> Dick Sloman to establish the Indigenous Simulated Patient program for theUniversity. She is currently a Faculty member of the Cognitive Institute, <strong>and</strong> is undertakinga Doctorate of Education in Evaluation of Medical Education.Mr Dick SlomanDick is a general medical practitioner who has worked as a clinician for the last 10 yearsat the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service in Fitzroy in Melbourne, <strong>and</strong> for the last 5years at the Njernda Aboriginal Corporation in Echuca in northern Victoria. He teachesabout Indigenous health at the Onemda VicHealth Koori Health Unit at The Universityof Melbourne with medical students <strong>and</strong> post graduate doctors training in psychiatry<strong>and</strong> general practice. He is also a member of the Board of Management of the VictorianFoundation for Survivors of Torture.58

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