abstracts and bios cover_final.indd - LIME Network

abstracts and bios cover_final.indd - LIME Network

abstracts and bios cover_final.indd - LIME Network


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Ms Kirsty McEwinKirsty has worked in the NSW public health system for many years <strong>and</strong> now works with the AboriginalHealth <strong>and</strong> Medical Council of NSW. She has a background in policy development, project management <strong>and</strong>workforce planning.Improving Indigenous health outcomes through the medical students outcomesdatabaseDr Jonathan P. Gerber 1 , Professor Louis I. L<strong>and</strong>au 21. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Medical Deans Australia <strong>and</strong> New Zeal<strong>and</strong>2. Director, Medical Students Outcomes Database, Medical Deans Australia <strong>and</strong> New Zeal<strong>and</strong>AbstractThis presentation will outline how the Medical Student Outcomes Database (MSOD) can promote innovationin Indigenous health. Rural <strong>and</strong> remote doctor shortages impact health outcomes in rural Australia, <strong>and</strong>particularly disadvantage Indigenous Australians because of their overrepresentation in rural <strong>and</strong> remoteareas. Assessing the impact of educational innovations on rural <strong>and</strong> remote outcomes is essential to ensurethat effective innovations are recognised. The MSOD tracks medical students from the commencement oftheir medical education through to their work outcomes. The impact of various educational strategies on rural& remote practice intentions will be discussed, focussing on the 2005 pilot sample of 150 students. Amongstthis sample, rural placements were effective in changing intentions towards more rural & remote practice.The impact of rural clubs, demographics such as age & marital status, generalist intentions & previousrurality will also be examined.Aside from this predictive analysis, the MSOD can assess the trends in education innovation across years,showing whether the effective strategies are gaining or losing ground. Trends in medical education from 2005to 2007 will be discussed. The predictive results will then be discussed in light of the overarching trends inmedical education.Presenter: Dr Jonathan GerberJonathan is currently the postdoctoral research fellow on the Medical SchoolsOutcomes Database (MSOD). In this capacity, he is investigating the impact ofeducational initiatives on workforce outcomes such as rural <strong>and</strong> generalist intentions.Jonathan completed his PhD in psychology at Macquarie University in 2008 <strong>and</strong> hasworked on ARC grants on interpersonal rejection <strong>and</strong> social comparison. He has aparticular interest in meta-analytic techniques <strong>and</strong> lectures postgraduate statisticspart-time.64

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