Quran Reflexions vol3 (PDF) - Deen Research Center

Quran Reflexions vol3 (PDF) - Deen Research Center

Quran Reflexions vol3 (PDF) - Deen Research Center


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it, and its gates will be opened, and its Keepers will say to them, “Peace be upon you!You have been good, so enter (into) it eternally (abiding).” (TMQ, 39: 73).Allah (SWT) says about the destiny of the disbelievers what can be translated as,What is the difference between both ayahs? Only the one who is interested in learning andunderstanding the Qur’an can notice the difference. On the one hand, the disbelievers will beled to Hell frightened, suddenly the gates of hell open to them (Allah forbid). On the otherhand, the believers move peacefully in one crowd looking forward to heaven, and its gatesopen to them.What a great expression, and a wonderful meaning. You will notice that there is not a letterin the Qur’an that has no meaning or significance. This is what we refer to as the inimitablenature of the Qur’an in so far as the style and meaning are concerned.Don’t you wish to follow them?The Surah ends with ayahs that soften the heart and fill it with craving for heaven in what canbe translated as, “And the ones who were pious to their Lord will be driven in hordes tothe Garden till when they have come to it, and its gates will be opened, and its Keeperswill say to them, “Peace be upon you! You have been good, so enter (into) it eternally(abiding).”And they will say, “Praise be to Allah, Who has sincerely (made good) Hispromise to us and has made us inherit the earth for us, to make our location in theGarden where we decide. So how favorable is the reward of the (good) doers.” And youwill see the Angels encircling round about the Throne extolling with the praise of theirLord; and (justice) will be decreed between them with the Truth; and it will be said,“Praise be to Allah, the lord of the worlds.”(TMQ, 39: 73-75).Why Az-Zumar?As usual, there remains an important question : what is the wisdom behind the name of theSurah. I think, and Allah alone knows the truth about it, that what helps you most in beingsincere and devoted to Allah (SWT) in your work (deeds) is being in a righteous company.Consequently, the reward you will have for your sincere devotion is to be in the hereafterwith the righteous people you spent your lifetime with, the believers. As scholars state Allah(SWT) prefers to make people enter paradise in groups and not one by one.The Surah was given that name to remind us of both parties. You have to choose for yourselfhow to be sincere, and with which one you would like to belong to.

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