Quran Reflexions vol3 (PDF) - Deen Research Center

Quran Reflexions vol3 (PDF) - Deen Research Center

Quran Reflexions vol3 (PDF) - Deen Research Center


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Surat Fussilat (Expounded), Surat Ash-Shura (Counsel),Surat Az-Zukhruf (Decoration), Surat Ad-Dukhan (Smoke),Surat Al-Jathiyah (Kneeling), Surat Al-Ahqaf (The sand dunes)These six Surahs have many traits in common. The first trait is that they all start with theletters Ha Mim that is why they are called the Hawamim (i.e. the Surahs that begin with theArabic letters Ha Mim)Ha Mim and the initial lettersAll of these Surahs start with the letters Ha Mim. What is therefore, the significance of theseletters? We have previously mentioned in Surat Al-’Imran that Allah (SWT) wanted tochallenge the Arabs with the meaning of these letters. What is implied is that these letters arethe primary materials used for writing prose and poetry just like in daily life the primarymaterials found in our surroundings such as: iron, metals and wood, are used to make: cars,furniture, and buildings. However, the challenge lies in whether you can create from thesematerials a living human being. In that manner, the challenge is about the letters themselves.Letters are the primary materials of our language. Can we, however, create from them aQur’an? And can we breathe life into these letters? Allah (SWT) says what can be translatedas, “And thus We have sent to you (O Muhammad) Ruh (a Revelation, and a Mercy) ofOur Command “ (TMQ, 42:52). Thus, Allah (SWT) put forth the challenge of coming upwith something like a Qur’an. (It is worth mentioning that this particular ayah (verse)belongs to one of the Hawamim Surahs)A single key for a single purposeThe Surahs that begin with the same initials must have something in common. It seems thatAlif Lam Mim and Ha Mim are the symbols (or the code) of the Surah’s topic and main idea.Furthermore, all of the Surahs that begin with this symbol are similar in their topics andpurpose (As in Surat Al-Baqara, Surat Al-’Imran and Surat Al-Ankabut).Obviously, all the Hawamim Surahs begin with the same initials (Ha Mim) because theyshare the same purpose. In order to know this purpose, we have to examine firstthe pointsthat these Surahs share:1. They are all Makkan Surahs (revealed in Makkah).2. They all start by illustrating the value and the greatness of the Qur’an.3. They all mention the story of Musa (AS) (Moses) with the Israelites.4. They all illustrate how the Message was transferred from the Israelites toMuhammad’s (SAWS) nation.5. They all encourage unity and warn against division.6. They all end with granting forgiveness and more time.Let us then start by examining these meanings and connecting them together to discoverwhat Allah (SWT) wanted us to understand from these noble Surahs.1. The value of the Qur’an:

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