public health engineering department - Assam Online Portal

public health engineering department - Assam Online Portal

public health engineering department - Assam Online Portal


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As-Is and e-Readiness Study report on Public Health EngineeringDepartment, Govt. of <strong>Assam</strong>IMPLEMENTATIONImplementation of TSC is proposed on a project mode. A project proposal emanates froma district, is scrutinized by the State Government and transmitted to Government of India(Department of Drinking Water Supply,Ministry of Rural Development). TSC implemented inphases with start-up activities. Funds are made available for preliminary IEC work. Thephysical implementation gets oriented towards satisfying the felt- needs, whereinindividual households choose from a menu of options for their household latrines. Thebuilt-in flexibility in the menu of options gives the poor and the disadvantaged familiesopportunity for subsequent Upgradation depending upon their requirements and financialposition. In the “campaign approach”, while a synergistic interaction between theGovernment agencies and other stakeholders, intensive IEC and advocacy, with participationof NGOs/Panchayati Raj Institutions/resource organizations, take place to bring about thedesired behavioral changes for relevant sanitation practices, provision of alternate deliverysystem, proper technical specifications, designs and quality of installations are alsoprovided to effectively fulfill the generated demand for sanitary hardware.The TSC is being implemented with a district as unit. The States/UTs are expected toprepare TSC Projects for all the districts and submit before the Government of India forsanction. The TSC Project cycle in the Project Districts is expected to take about 4 years orless for implementation.e. Encourage cost effective and appropriate technologies for ecologically safe and sustainablesanitation.f. Develop community managed environmental sanitation systems focusing on solid & liquidwaste management.COMPONENTSThe Programme components and activities for TSCimplementation are as follows:(a) Start-Up ActivitiesThe start-up activities include conducting of preliminary survey to assess the status ofsanitation and hygiene practices, people’s attitude and demand for improved sanitation, etc.with the aim to prepare the District TSC project proposals for seeking Government ofIndia assistance. The start-up activities will also include conducting a Baseline Survey(BLS), preparation of Project Implementation Plan (PIP), initial orientation and training ofkey programme managers at the district level. The cost of Start-up activities will be met fullyby the Government of India assistance and, should not exceed 5 percent of the total project.(b) IEC ActivitiesInformation, Education and Communication (IEC) are important components of theProgramme. These intend to create demand for sanitary facilities in the rural areas forhouseholds, schools, Anganwadis, Balwadies and Community Sanitary Complexes. Theactivities carried out under this component should be area specific and should also involve allsections of the rural population, in a manner, where willingness of the people to constructlatrines is generated. IEC is not a one-time activity. IEC strategy and plan have to beimplemented not just to create demand but also for use, maintenance and up gradation, sothat sanitation and hygiene become an integral part of rural life and thereby sustainable.Ref.: AEDC/AOP/EOI/2009/10 Copyright : AEDC Ltd. 55

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