public health engineering department - Assam Online Portal

public health engineering department - Assam Online Portal

public health engineering department - Assam Online Portal


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As-Is and e-Readiness Study report on Public Health EngineeringDepartment, Govt. of <strong>Assam</strong>i. Under the programme, 100 % funding would be provided for IEC activities, HRDactivities, strengthening of district level laboratories, procurement of field test kits, travel &transport cost, data reporting cost, stationery cost, honorarium to district level surveillancecoordinators, water testing, documentation and data entry costs to the States forstrengthening water quality monitoring facilities as per approved norms for water qualitymonitoring and surveillance programme and NRWSP guidelines.ii. The existing personnel (both technical and non-technical) in several <strong>department</strong>s likePHE, Health, Rural Development, Panchayati Raj etc., would be mobilized and involved.iii. O&M of the field test kits including refilling costs for field test kits, cost ofdisinfectants, minor remedial expenses, annuity and mobility, honorarium to grass rootworkers, and honorarium to GP level coordinator will be covered by communitycontribution.iv. One field test kit per GP shall be provided. In addition, demo kits shall also be providedas per the following breakup: - State/SRI -1 no. District-3 nos. & Block-2 nos.v. The funds for implementation of the Programme will be released by Government of India tothe SWSM/PHED/Boards, based on criteria like number of drinking water sources, number ofGPs, Block Panchayats, districts, total rural population, etc. in respective States.vi. State Governments then release funds relating to IEC and HRD to the CCDU.Fundsfor setting up of new laboratories and strengthening of existing district level laboratoriesand administrative expenses shall be released by the States to DWSM/District laboratory.vii. Fund flow and strategy for procurement of field testing kits may be decided by therespective State/UT Government.viii. For meeting recurring costs of field test kits and other expenses, the community couldcontribute @ Rs 1 per family per month and deposit in the VWSC accounts with separateledger.4. Proposed Strategyi. To have authentic water quality data for initiating action it is essential to have a basic WaterTesting Laboratory at the Sub-Division Level under the joint management of PRI and PHEDsimilar to Primary Health Centres (PHCs) of National Rural Health Mission.ii. As such all basic chemical and biological parameters can be tested at Sub- divisionLaboratory and primarily biological test of all sources can be tested at PHCs and jointremedial actions can be taken up by the Gram Panchayat.iii. For data collection at the household level and at the habitation level one personspreferably women from VWSC (elected at Gram Sabha similar to NRHM guideline –para55)under the control of GP and paid appropriately on the monthly basis for the specifiedactivities. The person selected will be designated as “JAL SURAKSHAK” and will be providedwith a batch. The State Government may decide the mode of payment to “JALSURAKSHAK”, which is to be approved in SLSSC. Since ASHA of NRHM is also responsiblefor community action on prevention of water and sanitation –borne diseases the VWSCmember selected would work in close coordination with ASHA.Ref.: AEDC/AOP/EOI/2009/10 Copyright : AEDC Ltd. 71

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