public health engineering department - Assam Online Portal

public health engineering department - Assam Online Portal

public health engineering department - Assam Online Portal


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As-Is and e-Readiness Study report on Public Health EngineeringDepartment, Govt. of <strong>Assam</strong>appeals for selection, verification process, and any related matter. This Committee shall alsohave the mandate to overrule any aspect of this Guideline for State specific issues and bringin force any changes in these Guidelines.III) Water Quality (G2C)a) NRDWQMSP(National Rural Drinking Water Quality Monitoringand Surveillance)1. BackgroundThe National Rural Drinking Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance Programme waslaunched in February 2006 (2005-06) with the prime objective of institutionalization ofcommunity participation and involvement of PRIs for water quality monitoring andsurveillance of all drinking water sources. As drinking water quality monitoring, and qualitysurveillance are two distinct but closely related activities, requiring drinking water qualitymonitoring by suppliers of the drinking water and surveillance by the Health authorities, theworkshop had also recommended close collaboration between drinking water supplyagencies and Health authorities all over the country.The indiscriminate over-drawl has changed the Hydro-geo-chemical environments ofthe aquifers and in general enhanced toxic and undesirable chemical constituents of waterbeyond the permissible limit viz. Fluoride, arsenic, TDS, nitrate etc. with direct <strong>health</strong>implications leading to manifestations of various diseases. Climate changes is also affectingwater resources in all countries resulting increase in diseases such as cholera, typhoid,malaria and dengue which are basically water and water related diseases.Accordingly, an Implementation Manual on National Rural Drinking Water QualityMonitoring and Surveillance Programme was got prepared through All India Institute ofHygiene and Public Health, which was circulated to all State Governments in January 2004.2. Frame work for ImplementationThe evaluation of the programme implementation during the last four years by differentagencies reveled that there is an urgent need to restructure the existing National RuralDrinking Water Supply Quality Monitoring and Surveillance. National Rural Drinking WaterQuality Monitoring and Surveillance Programme envisaged implementing the programmethrough the following strategy:Ref.: AEDC/AOP/EOI/2009/10 Copyright : AEDC Ltd. 70

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