Presse mappe - Observatoire

Presse mappe - Observatoire

Presse mappe - Observatoire

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ARTS DÉCORATIFS107, rue de Rivoli -­‐ 75001 ParisT +33 1 44 55 57 50 I www.lesartsdecoradfs.frTuesday to Sunday from 11am to 6pm -­‐ last dcket sold at 17h30 pm. Thursday : up undl 21pm for temporary exhibidon -­‐ last dcket sold at 20h30pm Closed on MondayGraphic enchantments of Emilio Terry : cridcal selecdon of proto drawingsBaroque and neo-­‐classical, inventor of the "Louis XVII style", admirer of Palladio and Ledoux, Emilio Terry (1890-­‐1969) condnues to feed the confluent imaginadons and imaginadve worlds of designers, architects, decorators and French or foreign landscapers. The presentadon of twenty works from the outstanding collecdon of the Department of Graphic Arts of the Musée des Arts décoradfs (not less than 1200 drawings) authorizes, on the principle of accumuladon, miscellaneous comparisons and lisdngs, the coverage of a temporal prism open from the 1930s to the turn of the 1970s, the materiality of the carried out orders (or in progress because not achieved), the resdtudon of hexagonal and internadonal sociability links ded by the creator connected to many social networks (versus Boni de Castellane) and assured of a famous clientele (from Anna de Noailles to Charles Beistegui).Curator : Agnès Callu -­‐ Musée des Arts décoradfs, Departement of Graphic Arts– Cabinet of DrawingsEmilio Terry y Sanchez (1890 -­‐ 1969), Projet : pavillon, France, 1932. Encre noire et lavis, inv. 47773.72CENTRE CULTUREL SUISSE38, rue des Francs Bourgeois -­‐ 75003 Paris (entrée au fond du passage)T +33 1 42 71 44 50 I ccs@ccsparis.com I www.ccsparis.comFrom Tuesday to Sunday : 1pm -­‐ 7pm I free entrance for the exhibidonsMarc Bauer, The Collector01/02 -­‐ 14/04/13The collector is the one who gathers what is scahered, He creates an order of its own in the universe and sat in his power by controlling the objects that belong to him. This exhibidon presents drawings on paper or on aluminum, as well as wall drawings, Marc Bauer focuses on a dark period of History, France under the Occupadon, and in pardcular on the spoliadon of Jewish property by Nazis. He retraces atmospheres of parisian collector’s apartments leg hurriedly, and put into perspecdve with other collecdons. Marc Bauer (born in Geneva in 1975) lives and works in Berlin. Personal exhibidons are planned at gallery Freymond-­‐Guth in Zurich in 2013 and FRAC Auvergne in 2014.On Saturday April 13, projecdon at 8.00 pm of the animated film The Architect (26 ') from Marc Bauer, with live music from French rock group Ka„a. This project is inspired by Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922) by Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau.Marc Bauer, Le Collec-onneur, 2012. © Marc Bauer<strong>Presse</strong> <strong>mappe</strong> I Seite 94

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