October 4, 2011 - Latest Issue - McGill University

October 4, 2011 - Latest Issue - McGill University

October 4, 2011 - Latest Issue - McGill University


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1 L C l a s s P r e s i d e n t sSANDRAAIGBINODE &DOMINICDIFRUSCIOA MESSAGE FROM YOUR1L CLASS PRESIDENTSHi Guys,It's your 1L Class Presidentshere! We are so excited aboutthe opportunity to representyou all and are very honouredthat you have chosen us toserve you. Let's make this yearGRAND together.Pendant nos campagnes électorales,nous avons signaléque notre mandat est de vousreprésenter au conseil del'AÉD. Par conséquent, noussoulèverons les questions quisont les plus importantes pourvous dans ce forum afin d’assurerque la première annéen’est jamais ignorée! Pour faciliterune communication ouverte,nous vous encourageonsà partager vos préoccupationsdirectement avec nous. Deplus, nous avons hâte d’organiserune réunion ouverte «town hall » cette année.On a less serious note, getready for an exciting year filledwith lots of fun events! Wehave many ideas up oursleeves including speed datingwith other faculties, a sickChristmas bash, a Halloweenparty with the med faculty,and a free massage day - that'sright!!Looking forward to workingwith you all,S and D!REMINDER: SEND US YOUR THOUGHTS!Envoyez vos contributions à quid.law@mcgill.ca.Deadline: every Thursday at 5 p.m.GUIDELINES:- Send your contributions as Word documents attached to the email.- Include a title, your name and your year of study in the document itself (not in the email).- If your article includes a photo, include it as an attachment in JPG format.- Send in posters for events in PDF or JPG format.14 • 4 OCTOBRE <strong>2011</strong> • QN

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