ENVI. Get the Information You Need from Imagery. - Exelis Visual ...

ENVI. Get the Information You Need from Imagery. - Exelis Visual ...

ENVI. Get the Information You Need from Imagery. - Exelis Visual ...


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Vector GIS FunctionsDrag/Drop ArcGIS LayersArcGIS Layer Attribute ViewingAdd Nodes to VectorsAnnotate Vector WindowsAttributes:• Create New Vector Attributes• Edit Query Vector Attributes• Import <strong>from</strong> ArcView Shapefiles, ASCII• Query to Create New Vector LayerBurn-in Vectors on Raster ImageConvert Vector Layer ProjectionCreate Contour Vectors <strong>from</strong> Raster DataCreate New Vector LayersCreate Vector Boundaries:• Countries, States, Coasts, Rivers• For Whole World• For Lat/Long BoundariesDirect Printing of GIS LayersDisplay Vectors with Different Projections in <strong>the</strong>Same WindowDrag/Drop to Arrange Layer OrderEdit Layer CharacteristicsExport Vector Data to Common GIS FormatsExport Vector AttributesGPS InputHeads-up (On-screen) DigitizingIntelligent DigitizerImport Common GIS Formats:• ESRI Shapefiles• Arc Interchange• AutoCAD DXF• MapInfo• Microstation DGN• USGS DLG• USGS SDTS• <strong>ENVI</strong> Native Vector FormatImport <strong>from</strong> ArcGIS GeoDatabaseInteractive Vector Layer QueryingJoin VectorsMultiple Vector SelectionOn-<strong>the</strong>-fly Vector Projection ConversionRaster to Vector ConversionsSave Vectors to ArcGIS GeoDatabaseSplit VectorsVector Cursor QueryVector Display ZoomingVector EditingVector to Raster ConversionSpectral Analysis ToolsAdaptive Coherence Estimator (ACE)Anomaly DetectionAutomated Corner Clustering in N-D Scatter PlotBandMax Band OptimizationConstrained Energy Mimimization (CEM)Continuum Removal of Images, SpectraDecision Tree ClassifierExtraction of Endmember SpectraIntegrated Spectral Viewing & AnalysisLinear Spectral UnmixingLeast Squares (LS) FitMatched FilteringMixture Tuned Matched FilteringMixture Tuned Target - Constrained Interference- Minimized Filter (MTTCIMF)N-Dimensional <strong>Visual</strong>izer (Scatter Plot)Orthogonal Subspace Projection (OSP)Pixel EditingPixel Purity Index (PPI)SAM Target Finder With BandMaxSMACC Endmember Extraction & Sub-pixelAnalysisSPEAR Tools:• Change Detection - Two Color Multi - View• Change Detection - PCA• Change Detection - Subtractive• Pan-Sharpening• Lines of Communication - Water• Lines of Communication - Roads• Watercraft Finder• Relative Water Depth• Vegetation Delineation and Stress Detection• Spectral Analogues• TERCAT (Terrain Categorizations)Spectral Resampling:• Predefined Sensor Band Filters• User Defined Filters• Spectral Libraries and ImagesSpectral Analyst for Material IdentificationSpectral Angle Mapper (SAM)Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF)Spectral Hourglass WizardSpectral <strong>Information</strong> Divergence (SID)Spectral Libraries Included:• Minerals, Vegetation, Rocks, Water, Soils, Snow,Manmade• VNIR, SWIR, MWIR, LWIRSpectral Library Builder/ImporterSpectral Library ViewerSpectral MathSpectral Plots:• Boxcar Average of Pixel Spectra• Continuum Removal• Cursor Query of X,Y Plot Values• Drag and Drop Spectra Among Plot• From 3D SurfaceView• From Image Pixels (Z Profile)• From Spectral Libraries• From ROI Averages• Link Spectral Plots <strong>from</strong> Multiple Images• Plot Stacked Spectra• User-Defined Plot Functions• Wavenumber or WavelengthSubspace Background SuppressionSpectral SlicesTarget - Constrained Interference - MinimizedFilter (TCIMF)Target Detection WizardVegetation Guided Workflows:• Fire Fuel Load• Agricultural Stress• Forest HealthVegetation Indices:• Greenness• Light-use Efficiency• Canopy Nitrogen• Senescent Carbon• Canopy Water• Leaf PigmentVegetation Suppression AlgorithmSPEAR ToolsAnomaly DetectionChange Detection - 2 Color Multi-view (2CMV)Change Detection - PCAChange Detection - SubtractiveGoogle Earth BridgeImage-to-Map RegistrationIndependent Component AnalysisLOC - Lines of Communication - RoadsLOC - Lines of Communication - WaterMetadata BrowserOrthorectificationPan SharpeningRelative Water DepthSpectral AnaloguesTerrain Categorization (TERCAT)Vegetation DelineationVertical Stripe RemovalWatercraft FinderTransformsAdaptive Coherence Estimator (ACE)Band RatiosColor Transforms:• RGB to HSV, HSL, or Munsell HSV• HSV, HSL, or Munsell HSV to RGBDecorrelation StretchIndependent Components AnalysisImage Sharpening:• Color Normalized Spectral• Gram-Schmidt Spectral• HSV and Brovey• PC Spectral• Preserving Spectral IntegrityMinimum Noise Fraction (MNF)Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)Pan Sharpening (see Image Sharpening)Principal Components RotationSaturation StretchSyn<strong>the</strong>tic Color ImageTasseled CapFiltersAdaptive Filters:• Frost, Enhanced Frost Gamma, Kuan, Lee,Enhanced Lee, Local Sigma, Bit ErrorConvolution Filters:• High & Low Pass, Laplacian, Directional,Gaussian, Median, Sobel, RobertsFiltering PreviewInteractive Fourier Filtering:• Forward Transform• Interactive Frequency Domain Masking• Inverse TransformMorphology Filters:• Dilate, Erode, Opening, ClosingTexture Filters:• Data Range, Mean, Variance, Entropy,Skewness, Homogeneity, Contrast, Dissimilarity,Second Moment, CorrelationUser-Defined Filter KernelsMa<strong>the</strong>matics & StatisticsAutocorrelationBand HistogramsBand Math and Spectral Math:• Boolean Operators• Trigonometric Functions• Data Type Conversion Functions• Relational Operators• Many O<strong>the</strong>r Ma<strong>the</strong>matical ExpressionsCorrelogramsDisplay Statistics:• Minimum, Maximum, Mean, StandardDeviationImage Statistics:• Band Minimum, Maximum, Mean, StandardDeviation, Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors,Covariance, Correlation MatricesOutput Matrix Stats to Image Files:• Covariance Matrix• Correlation Matrix• EigenvectorsSemivariograms(continued on back)pg. 3

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