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64 Part I: Introduction to C++ ProgrammingLooping while a condition is trueThe simplest form of looping statement is the while loop. Here’s what thewhile loop looks like:while(condition){// ... repeatedly executed as long as condition is true}The condition is tested. This condition could be if var > 10 or ifvar1 == var2 or anything else you might think of. If it is true, the statementswithin the braces are executed. Upon encountering the closed brace,C++ returns control to the beginning, and the process starts over. The effectis that the C++ code within the braces is executed repeatedly as long as thecondition is true. (Kind of reminds me of how I get to walk around the yardwith my dog until she . . . well, until we’re done.)If the condition were true the first time, what would make it be false in thefuture? Consider the following example program:// WhileDemo - input a loop count. Loop while// outputting astring arg number of times.#include #include #include using namespace std;int main(int nNumberofArgs, char* pszArgs[]){// input the loop countint loopCount;cout > loopCount;// now loop that many timeswhile (loopCount > 0){loopCount = loopCount - 1;cout

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