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Chapter 25: Handling Errors — Exceptions 335match the int, so it’s skipped. The next catch phrase matches the int exactly,so control stops there. The final catch phrase, which would catch any objectthrown, is skipped because a matching catch phrase was already found.What Kinds of Things Can I Throw?The thing following the throw keyword is actually an expression that createsan object of some kind. In the examples so far, I’ve thrown an int and a stringobject, but throw can handle any type of object. This means that you canthrow almost as much information as you want. Consider the following updateto the factorial program, CustomExceptionClass://// CustomExceptionClass - demonstrate exceptions using// a factorial function//#include #include #include #include using namespace std;// Exception - generic exception handling classclass Exception{public:Exception(char* pMsg, int n, char* pFile, int nLine): msg(pMsg), errorValue(n), file(pFile), lineNum(nLine){}virtual string display(){ostringstream out;out

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