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Chapter 17Making Constructive ArgumentsIn This Chapter Making argumentative constructors Overloading the constructor Creating objects by using constructors Invoking member constructors Constructing the order of construction and destructionAclass represents a type of object in the real world. For example, in earlierchapters, I use the class Student to represent the properties of astudent. Just like students, classes are autonomous. Unlike a student, a classis responsible for its own care and feeding — a class must keep itself in avalid state at all times.The default constructor presented in Chapter 16 isn’t always enough. Forexample, a default constructor can initialize the student ID to zero so that itdoesn’t contain a random value; however, a Student ID of 0 is probably notvalid. It’s up to the class to make sure that the ID is initialized to a legal valuewhen the object is created.C++ programmers require a constructor that accepts some type of argumentin order to initialize an object to other than its default value. This chapterexamines constructors with arguments.Outfitting Constructors with ArgumentsC++ enables programmers to define a constructor with arguments, as shownhere:class Student{public:Student(char *pName);};// ...class continues...

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