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408C++ For Dummies, 5th Editionaddition operator (+),26, 40addressof array, applyingoperators to, 128–129of object, passing tomember function, 175passing arguments by, 119pointers, 111–112ambiguities, multipleinheritance, 341–342AND bitwise operator (&),56, 57, 58–60AND logical operator (&&),48, 49, 53annotated programming,21–25ANSIdeprecated functions, 104string type, 106–108application error, 142argumentconstructor with, 221–223defined, 83functions with, 85–87to main(), accessing(parameters), 136–138passing pointer as,118–119arrayaccessing too far into, 99address, applyingoperators to, 128–129of arrays, defining andusing, 100BUDGET program, BC5character strings,utilizing, 134–136of characters, 100–103characters, manipulatingstrings with, 103–106contrasting with pointers,132–133declaring and usingpointers, 133–138defined, 93initializing, 98–99iterating through, 368–370need for, 93–95objects, declaring,184–185pointer variables and,126–127string variables, 106–108template classes versus,358using, 95–98, 99arrow pointers, 187assignment operator (=)confusion with equalityoperator (==), 48, 49–50described, 45overloading, 307, 308–311asterisk character (*)described, 111, 113–116precedence, 186author’s Web site, 11auto variable, 91autodecrement operator(--), 65–66autoincrement operator(++), 65–66automatic copyconstructor, 242–244average, ridiculous valuefor, 143–146• B •backslash character (\), 35balancing budget, sampleprogram, BC37bank account sampleprogramsaccount classes,rationalizing into one,BC16–BC17active classes, object-based solution to,BC7–BC16assessing, BC28balance and number,associating, 167–169,177–178balancing budget, BC37bonds, breaking linkedlist, BC28–BC29checking and savingsclasses, 280–284containers, BC37–BC44described, BC1–BC7functions, 284–291linked list classes,BC26–BC28module, BC17–BC19rationalizing classes intoone, BC16–BC17saving and checking,considering,BC19–BC26template class,implementing linkedlist as, BC29–BC37base, counting system, 54Bell Labs, 10binary arithmetic, 40–41bitwise logical operatorsbinary number system,54–55decimal numbersystem, 54described, 53logical calculations, 60operations, performing,56–57other number systems, 54Roman numeralexpressions, 56simple test, 59–60single bit operators, 57–58using, 58–59body, function, 81books, recommendedreadingMicrosoft Windows MeMillennium EditionFor Dummies(Rathbone), 393PCs For Dummies(Gookin), 393Windows 98 For Dummies(Rathbone), 393Windows 2000 ProfessionalFor Dummies(Rathbone), 393

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