2005 Annual Report / Crédit Agricole (Suisse) SA

2005 Annual Report / Crédit Agricole (Suisse) SA

2005 Annual Report / Crédit Agricole (Suisse) SA

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<strong>2005</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> / Crédit <strong>Agricole</strong> (<strong>Suisse</strong>) <strong>SA</strong> – 292.2 Accounting principlesGeneral principlesAssets, liabilities and off-balance sheet items reportedunder the same heading are always valued individually.The accounting and valuation principles comply withthe requirements of the Swiss Code of Obligations,the Swiss Federal Banking Act and the correspondingImplementing Ordinance, as well as the Swiss FederalBanking Commission’s directives governing the preparationof financial statements.Recording of transactions and presentationin the balance sheetTransactions are recorded in the books on their executiondate and are valued thereafter according to the principlesset out below. Until their settlement date, executedtransactions are presented as off-balance sheet transactions,except for spot forex and money markettransactions, which are directly recognised in thebalance sheet.Translation of foreign currency itemsThe group uses a multi-currency accounting system andbalance sheet items denominated in foreign currency aretranslated at the closing exchange rate.Interest on fixed-term transactions and commissions onfiduciary operations in foreign currency are recorded inthe income statement on a daily basis, at the exchangerate prevailing on that day. All other income and expensesare recorded on the day they occur, using the rateprevailing at the time of the transaction.The exchange rates against the Swiss franc used fortranslating foreign currency items are as follows :Currency<strong>2005</strong>Closing rateAverage ratefor the year2004Closing rateAverage ratefor the yearEUR 1.554 1.548USD 1.315 1.249JPY 0.011190 0.0113101.543 1.5441.132 1.23670.010961 0.011497Consolidated Financial Statements

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