2005 Annual Report / Crédit Agricole (Suisse) SA

2005 Annual Report / Crédit Agricole (Suisse) SA

2005 Annual Report / Crédit Agricole (Suisse) SA

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74 – <strong>2005</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> / Crédit <strong>Agricole</strong> (<strong>Suisse</strong>) <strong>SA</strong>Auditor’s report<strong>Report</strong> of the statutory auditors to the<strong>Annual</strong> General Meeting of Shareholdersof Crédit <strong>Agricole</strong> (<strong>Suisse</strong>) <strong>SA</strong>, GenevaAs statutory auditors, we have audited the accountingrecords and the financial statements (balance sheet,income statement and notes to the financial statementsset out on pages 58 to 73) of Crédit <strong>Agricole</strong> (<strong>Suisse</strong>) <strong>SA</strong>for the year ended 31 December <strong>2005</strong>.These financial statements are the responsibility of theBoard of Directors. Our responsibility is to express anopinion on these financial statements based on ouraudit. We confirm that we meet the legal requirementsconcerning professional qualification and independence.Our audit was conducted in accordance with Swissauditing standards, which require that an audit beplanned and performed to obtain reasonable assuranceabout whether the financial statements are free frommaterial misstatement. We have examined on a testbasis the evidence supporting the amounts and disclosuresin the financial statements. We have also assessedthe accounting principles used, significant estimatesmade and the overall presentation of the financial statements.We believe that our audit provides a reasonablebasis for our opinion.In our opinion, the accounting records and financialstatements, and the proposed appropriation of availableearnings, comply with Swiss law and the company’sarticles of incorporation.We recommend that the financial statements submittedto you be approved.Geneva, 17 March 2006PricewaterhouseCoopers <strong>SA</strong>J.-C. PernolletA. Lattafi

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