Scrumpy 'n' Western - Mag 4 Live Music

Scrumpy 'n' Western - Mag 4 Live Music

Scrumpy 'n' Western - Mag 4 Live Music


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FREE Every Month <strong>Scrumpy</strong> ‘n’ <strong>Western</strong> issue 10 vol 5most objective approach is that things for2009 are going to get worse as the fall outof jobs and lack of spending power takeshold, so really if you want to work then youwill have to negotiate what a venue canafford, otherwise you are going to spendmore time rehearsing or at home watchingTV or playing computer games!!I recently spoke to a musician who has notonly playing experience, but teaches, Studiowork and also has his foot in the corporatemarket (Company do’s) which over theChristmas and New Year are normallybusy times. This year with the recession allcompany’s are cutting back, which haseffected Entertainment Agency’s, and theyreport that work over this holiday period isvery thin on the ground. So this recessionis affecting all walks of life,so with that inmind, how will ‘<strong>Live</strong> <strong>Music</strong>’ fair in 2009?The <strong>Scrumpy</strong> ‘n’ <strong>Western</strong> like Newspapers,other magazines, Television, Radio hasbeen hit by a downturn in advertising,which we rely on to pay for our costs, andour rates are very competitive!! So as wehead towards 5 years of <strong>Scrumpy</strong> ‘n’ <strong>Western</strong>we look back at all the changes andfrom where we stand it’s been a bumpyroad for the live music scene with an allimportant part of British life slowly disappearing,so change’s need to be madebefore it’s too late. The House of Commonskeeps telling us that happy hours inpubs are the cause of access drinkingthrough out the country, but they have notlooked at or into the true picture of wherethe bulk of cheap booze is being bought!The supermarkets have a lot to answer for,these big company’s are sadly (since youcan now even buy <strong>Music</strong>al Instrumentsfrom some of these big stores) changingthe British landscape and sadly not for thebetter!! Action needs to be taken so -Write to your local MPNOW!! Wake the sadbastards up!!For once they are gone, do you honestlybelieve they will return? (PUBS THAT IS)Continued from page 26 - six nights aweek, bringing bands from all over thecountry, giving local live music fans thechance to catch ‘LIVE’ bands that theymight only see on TV! The Railway, Burnhamon Sea, looking at last years audiencefigures for January and February have decidedto start their live music at the end ofFebruary 2009. They have been putting ona good mix of local and out of area bands,plus a mix of top tribute acts and thisseems to be working. Scallys in CarltonStreet, Weston-Super-Mare, when the<strong>Scrumpy</strong> first started five years ago, hadlive music Thursday, Friday and Saturday,and from January till March ‘09 will only doSaturday nights live, since they have founda down turn in audiences. Bearing in mindthat there is an awful lot of competition inWeston all year round, Taunton has thesame problem, a lot of pubs with live music.Out and about across the area that the<strong>Scrumpy</strong> ‘n’ <strong>Western</strong> covers it is verypatchy with some areas holding there ownand others seeing a down turn in audiencenumbers and that overall people are comingout later. Where a lot of pubs havechanged hands, some new owners havetried introducing live music, like The Gun,Andover Road, Wash Common, Newbury,Berkshire who took over in April bookingsome good bands up to December ‘08, butsadly due to the lack of audience, cancelledAugust and stopped live music. Anotheris The Buckskin in Basingstoke, whohave had a refit, have an excellent venuewith stage and size for live music but startedto see a down turn last April as less andless people attended some really good livenights. Another venue in Basingstoke, TheLight Lounge (formerly Silks Bar, whichhad a rather unlucky history!) in LondonStreet,where the new owners, sold on,again a good sized bar for live music, buthaving problems to get people in regularly.Then there are the bands that are nottaking any notice of this recession business,still charging their normal rates andwondering why they are not getting thework. At this stage of this recession theJANUARY ‘09 27

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