Geared to Go A Workbook for Coaching New Drivers

Geared to Go A Workbook for Coaching New Drivers

Geared to Go A Workbook for Coaching New Drivers


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• If the vehicle is equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS), maintain steady pressure on thebrake pedal.• Slow down <strong>to</strong> reduce the chance of hydroplaning (gliding over mixed water and oil). Duringhydroplaning the vehicle can lose traction and go out of control.10Stay SafeSlow down in the first few minutes of a rains<strong>to</strong>rm. This is when roadways are the most slippery.Water, that is deeper than the tire tread, mixes with oil that has built up on the road surfacemaking it very slippery. This may result in hydroplaning.• Use caution not <strong>to</strong> splash pedestrians walking near the roadway.• Stay back from large vehicles such as trucks or buses during heavy rains<strong>to</strong>rms. They can throw out aspray of water that can completely block vision even if the wipers are on maximum speed.• Look well down the road and check the layout of the road be<strong>for</strong>e passing. Use caution when passing alarge vehicle, remembering that the spray of water may completely block the vision.• Watch <strong>for</strong> highway signs showing ‘Slippery When Wet’ and use extra caution.• Do not drive if the road appears flooded. The vehicle may be stranded if it stalls inside the floodedarea. If floodwaters are deep, the vehicle could be carried away in<strong>to</strong> a more dangerous situation.Driving on snow or iceCoach’s TipAccelerate and decelerate very gently on snow or ice <strong>to</strong> prevent the tires from spinning.Accelerating or decelerating <strong>to</strong>o quickly may cause the vehicle <strong>to</strong> skid.• Make sure all windows are cleared of snow and ice be<strong>for</strong>e driving. As well, clear the entire vehicle, asits movement can cause snow <strong>to</strong> blow or slide on<strong>to</strong> windows and block the driver’s view.81

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