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Indicators are the rage among intellectualsand institutions always on the prowlfor refinement of the Gross DomesticProduct (GDP). At the extreme we haveBhutan’s King Wangchuk introducingthe Gross Domestic Happiness (GDH)index to measure development, althoughit would be imposed in a non-democraticfashion for his little Himalayan country.Amazingly, precise counting of whatis available on the Earth’s surface tosupport life and accurate defining ofour dependence on land cover are notforemost in any of the major indices andreports of commerce and policy wonks.Land cover should be foremost in ourlocal, national, and international dialogsas the critical factor regarding conditionsand trends on our world. Trained scientistscan diagnose a wealth of informationabout a geographic area through theassessment of remotely sensed data.And, much as a physician shares informationfrom an x-ray, a remote sensingprofessional can convey her diagnosisto a layperson by discussing the Earthimagery and the changes displayed in theimagery over time.If this is true, then what is theproblem? It is threefold:1. No synoptic and comprehensive measurementsare being recorded at theproper scales.2. No universal diagnostic kit, withstandard protocols, is available for allnations to utilize.3. No unified report is produced and sharedon the conditions and status of theEarth’s surface covering.So what is the role of the remotesensing community? I would suggest thatthe remote sensing community shouldhave the key role and responsibility forproviding the information and trendsabout changes on the Earth’s surface.Collectively, we should be the “primaryphysician” for all citizens and agenciesconcerned with the planet’s health. Weshould accept the challenge and raise thew w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o mMonitoring the planet now is urgent for thesake of future generations like Udo’s.s u m m e r 2 0 0 6 11

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