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2 showed slicks over an area calculatedto host about 38,000 gallons of spilledoil. This estimate assumed that the slickswere just 1.1um (1/10,000th of a millimeter)thick, which is the lower limit for detectionon radar satellite images, so thisestimate is really a minimum.To get better estimates when mappingoil spills, fate/transport models(typically analytical solutions to simplifiedtransport equations) can beconceived to account for sea currents,temperature, turbidity and other factors.Skytruth founder John Amospoints to these exercises as good areasfor further research by specialists inthe thermal infrared and ultravioletspectrums.Skytruth images picturing lingeringoil several weeks after the stormsuggested that up to 100,000 gallonsof oil eventually were released fromleaking platforms and pipelines. Withlives and freshwater quality at stake,however, other emergency responsechores took precedence. Katrinatipped more than nine million gallonsof oil out of containers in and aroundNew Orleans, creating a hazard moreominous than that which wafted overthe ocean’s surface. “The Coast Guardwas quite rightly throwing its energyinto those spills,” Amos said.F i g u r e 3 This satellite image showsthe dry areas of New Orleans in pink andflooded regions in blue (Courtesy of SPOTImage).These spills amounted to little morethan grease spots when compared withthe 11,000 square miles of Alaska waterspolluted in 1989 as a result of the ExxonValdez accident. “Back in 1989 therewasn’t a whole lot of geospatial technologybeing used on the Exxon Valdez oilspill,” recalls Leslie Pearson, emergencyresponse program manager for the stateDepartment of Environmental Conservationin Anchorage. “We didn’t evenhave an Internet back then. It was a realpiecemeal effort.” Remote imaging andGIS have allowed quick responders tow w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o ms u m m e r 2 0 0 635

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