PMA209 2012 Core Avionics Master Plan - NAVAIR - U.S. Navy

PMA209 2012 Core Avionics Master Plan - NAVAIR - U.S. Navy

PMA209 2012 Core Avionics Master Plan - NAVAIR - U.S. Navy


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<strong>Core</strong> <strong>Avionics</strong> <strong>Master</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Appendix A-22. Funded Enhancements and Potential Pursuits.Crypto Modification and Frequency Remapping of Link 16 Terminals. (2015)Cryptographic Modernization (CM) will re-design cryptographic components for Link 16terminals. The plan is to integrate programmable Common Crypto Modules (CCM) thatuse multiple crypto algorithms along with enough memory capacity to store a year'sworth of keys. Additionally, frequency remapping will enable interoperability of Link 16with future radio navigation systems that the FAA may develop. The remap algorithmfavors under-utilized frequencies to smooth out frequency hopping schemes.Concurrent Multi-Netting. (CMN) (2016) CMN addresses the operational need tosimultaneously receive on multiple Link-16 nets. It leverages a Link 16 waveformfeature that allows multiple signals to be received simultaneously (referred to as‘stacked nets’). Current Link 16 nets are designed to allow C2 platforms to listen tomultiple fighter nets. Since Link 16 is a half duplex waveform, these platforms cannotlisten while transmitting. CMN capability will enable the C2 assets to listen to multipleparticipants simultaneously on the limited number of time slots available, and enablefighters to receive data from other fighters while listening to the surveillance net. Anadditional Link 16 receiver is required for each additional net being received. The CMNobjective is to provide a capability to receive on up to four Link-16 nets simultaneouslywhile retaining the capability to transmit.Enhanced Throughput. (2018) Link-16 Enhanced Throughput (ET) provides theability to transmit more information via Link-16 without impacting the RF spectrum.Baseband throughput is increased at the expense of range/waveform anti-jam (AJ)performance. Although there are ET modes that could provide close to an order ofmagnitude increased throughput, modes that achieve useful ranges provide a 3 to 5times increase in data rate. The MIDS-JTRS (MIDS-J) terminal is the only terminalcurrently capable of supporting the ET mode; however the 1553 bus interface to theMIDS-J terminal will still limit achievable data rates.E. Anti-Access Tactical Data Link. Anti Access refers to operations in regionswith a threat level high enough to require Low Observable (LO) platforms.1. Current capabilities. (none). [2015: LPI/LPD Data Link].Naval Aviation currently will not have a 5 th generation Low Probability of Intercept (LPI)or Low Probability of Detection (LPD) data link until 2015.2. Funded Enhancements and Potential Pursuits.Anti-Access Tactical Data Link (Multi-function Advanced Data Link – MADL).(2015) MADL is a Ku Band, short/medium range, directional, dynamic, LPI/LPD IP linkbeing developed by the F-35B/C Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program. It will be the uniqueLO data link, designed only for the F-35 as an intra-flight data link within the Anti-AccessRegion. It will operate as a linear network ("daisy chain”) architecture optimized for alimited number of nodes.Stealth Interoperability (iMADL) (2018) MADL is proposed to be reengineered towork as an inter-flight LO data link within Anti-Access region and be also integrated onthe F-22 and B-2.A-2 Information Exchange 7

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