PMA209 2012 Core Avionics Master Plan - NAVAIR - U.S. Navy

PMA209 2012 Core Avionics Master Plan - NAVAIR - U.S. Navy

PMA209 2012 Core Avionics Master Plan - NAVAIR - U.S. Navy


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<strong>Core</strong> <strong>Avionics</strong> <strong>Master</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Appendix A-4Currently, Command and Control (C2) platforms have a comprehensive awarenessof identity and location of cooperating military airborne assets, but are less conclusiveawareness when it comes to neutral civil platforms. Degree of awareness alsodecreases when expanding from the tactical coverage area to the regional or strategictheater level. Advancements in the Mode 5 waveform will increase fidelity of targetsignal differentiation and address signal security issues. Clear and accurateidentification, monitoring, and coordination of all traffic and friendly forces will helpfurther the development of the SIAP SA necessary for dominant maneuver, forceprotection and reduction of fratricide.The strategy to achieve improved civil interface and military Combat ID is throughevolution of existing transponders. Naval Aviation transponders were purposefullydesigned with open architecture, upgradability and specific hooks for incorporation ofMode S and Mode 5. The <strong>Navy</strong> will leverage ADS-B ‘Out’ software being developed byU.S.Army programs. Mode 5 (transmit only) and ADS-B ‘Out’ were established asformal requirements, however incorporation of civil and tactical transponder receivecapability (ADS-B ‘In’ and Mode 5 Level 2 Broadcast – M5L2-B) would provideadditional benefits, such as rapid on-board identification of non-combatant andcooperating coalition operators. Those capabilities have not been embraced as formalrequirements for civil interoperability or Combat ID, but are being explored as potentialsolutions to enable military aircraft performance level collision avoidance. Currentcollision avoidance products can enable safe separation and conflict resolution forcommercial equivalent or transport aircraft flight performance, but fall short duringmilitary aircraft rendezvous and formation maneuvers. More detail on Midair CollisionAvoidance Capability (MCAC) is provided in the Flight Safety appendix. Finally,transponders will also be modified to incorporate updated encryption algorithms to meetNational Security Agency (NSA) requirements and to achieve more efficient and securekeying capabilities. <strong>PMA209</strong> and PMA213 are working together to achieve thesebenefits through collaborative evolution to existing systems versus new and separateproducts.Mandates and Milestones:Joint Mode 5 Initial Operational Capability (IOC). (2015) The March 2007 JointRequirements Oversight Council Memorandum (JROCM) 047-07 calls for Mode 5 JointIOC in 2015 and Full Operational Capability (FOC) in 2020.JPALS Ship-based Initial Operational Capability (IOC). (2017) The US <strong>Navy</strong> is thelead for the JPALS program, and is responsible for the development of the shipboardsolution (Increment IA). JPALS will initially be deployed on the newest aircraft carrierand its assigned aircraft, including C-2, EA-18G, E-2D, F/A-18E/F, F-35 and MH-60R/S.JPALS Land-Based IOC. (2018) The Air Force is charged with development of landbasedJPALS ground stations (Increment II). Differential GPS will be used to provide anadditional military PPS datum reference signal via Satellite Based AugmentationSystem (SBAS) Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) signals. A fixed station willbe installed at every DoD airfield that currently has precision approach capability. Aman-pack variant may be developed for remote locations.A-4 Cooperative Surveillance 4

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