PMA209 2012 Core Avionics Master Plan - NAVAIR - U.S. Navy

PMA209 2012 Core Avionics Master Plan - NAVAIR - U.S. Navy

PMA209 2012 Core Avionics Master Plan - NAVAIR - U.S. Navy


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<strong>Core</strong> <strong>Avionics</strong> <strong>Master</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Appendix A-3JPALS Land-Based IOC. (2018) The Air Force is charged with development of landbasedJPALS ground stations. Differential GPS will be used to provide an additionalmilitary PPS datum reference signal via an encrypted UHF datalink, and an additionalcivil interoperable SPS datum reference signal via a VHF datalink or SATCOM signal. Afixed station will be installed at every DoD airfield that currently has precision approachcapability. A deployable variant will be developed for remote locations.Military GPS User Equipment (MGUE) Initial Operational Capability. (2018) TheAssistant Secretary of Defense, Networks and Information Integration (ASD NII) GlobalPositioning System User Equipment Development and Procurement PolicyMemorandum dated Aug 7 th 2006 directs the services to plan and implement MGUE nolater than the date the 24 th M-Code satellite is declared operational (~2018). MGUE willprovide a family of GPS receivers that use the more robust, anti-tamper and anti-jamcharacteristics of the M-Code capable satellites currently being launched. M-Code isexpected to be fully operational by 2018.Public Law 111-383, Jan 7, 2011, SEC. 913. Limitation on use of funds for purchasingGlobal Positioning System User Equipment. states:(a) In General. Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c), none of the fundsauthorized to be appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act or any other Actfor the Department of Defense may be obligated or expended to purchase userequipment for the Global Positioning System during fiscal years after fiscal year 2017unless the equipment is capable of receiving the military code (commonly known as the‘‘M code’’) from the Global Positioning System.(b) Exception. - The limitation under subsection (a) shall not apply with respect to thepurchase of passenger vehicles or commercial vehicles in which Global PositioningSystem equipment is installed.(c) Waiver. - The Secretary of Defense may waive the limitation under subsection (a) ifthe Secretary determines that -(1) suitable user equipment capable of receiving the military code from the GlobalPositioning System is not available; or(2) with respect to a purchase of user equipment, the Department of Defense doesnot require that user equipment to be capable of receiving the military code from theGlobal Positioning SystemRequired Navigational Performance (RNP) Area Navigation (RNAV) below FlightLevel (FL) 290 (29,000 feet) in NAS. (2020) The FAA will require RNAV on selectedhigh-density routes in NAS starting in 2020. FAA roadmaps also call for TerminalManeuvering Areas (TMAs) at the busiest 100 U.S. Airports to have RNP capableStandard Instrument Departure (SID) routes and Standard Terminal Arrival Routes(STAR) routes by 2015. The <strong>PMA209</strong> CNS/ATM team is fielding and coordinatingcertification of systems that meet RNP RNAV criteria. The Naval Flight InformationGroup (NAVFIG) is designing and fielding RNAV terminal procedures for Naval AirStations and expeditionary airfields. This mandate was planned for 2015, but has beenextended and is now associated with the FAA Next Generation Air TransportationSystem (NextGen) implementation initiative.A-3 Navigation 4

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