PMA209 2012 Core Avionics Master Plan - NAVAIR - U.S. Navy

PMA209 2012 Core Avionics Master Plan - NAVAIR - U.S. Navy

PMA209 2012 Core Avionics Master Plan - NAVAIR - U.S. Navy


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<strong>Core</strong> <strong>Avionics</strong> <strong>Master</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2012</strong> Appendix A-2ADNS enables deployed ships, subs and aircraft to interface with the shoreinfrastructure and connect to the DISN/GIG. ADNS integrates hardware, software RadioFrequency (RF) links and services to provide a mobile WAN. The current version,ADNS increment II, provides the following capabilities:Interconnects multiple security enclaves in a common architecture.Utilizes multiple simultaneous RF links for reach back and reach forward.Supports QoS by prioritizing data and implementing priority processing.Interfaces to platform LANs.SPAWAR PMW-160 manages the ADNS program. PMW-750 is the Air IntegrationOffice responsible for coordinating efforts with <strong>NAVAIR</strong> platforms. PMW-750 is currentlyworking with <strong>NAVAIR</strong> program offices to integrate ADNS on E-2C, EP-3E, P3-C, P-8A,MH-60R and BAMS. SPAWAR provides an airborne ADNS package, designatedAN/USQ-144(V)8, as a three-quarter Air Transport Rack (ATR) form factor. Platformsare procuring other routers that must be loaded with an ADNS routing template andtested by SPAWAR for compatibility in order to connect to the ADNS network. ADNSinterfaces to RF links on these platforms including HF-IP (E-2C, P8A), INMARSAT Swift64 (EP-3E), INMARSAT Swift Broadband (P-3C Anti-Submarine Warfare ImprovementProgram [AIP], P-9A, Broad Area Maritime Surveillance [BAMS]), Wideband GlobalSATCOM (WGS - BAMS), and Common Data Link (CDL - proof of concept on MH-60R).2. Funded Enhancements and Potential Pursuits.Cypher Text Backbone, IPv6/IPv4 dual stack, Converged IP/Enhanced Qualityof Service, Increased Bandwidth (ADNS III). (2016) ADNS increment III is the nextgeneration of ADNS and is currently implemented in NCTAMS LANT and PAC andbeing fielded on ships. The primary requirement being met by ADNS III is the GIGrequirement to implement a Cipher Text (CT) core, implemented via NSA approved IPSecurity (IP Sec) standards known as High Assurance Internet Protocol Encryption(HAIPE). In order to maintain backward compatibility with Increment II configuredplatforms not implementing HAIPE, both increments will be operating in the shoreinfrastructure through 2015. IOC for a switch over to Increment III is 2016. Thisincrement will provide:CT Backbone (‘black core’) routing in compliance with GIG requirement.IPv6/IPv4 dual stack (IPv6 in compliance with GIG requirements).Converged IP/Enhanced QoS – All traffic, voice, data and video, will be IP withdynamic Quality of Service (QoS) and bandwidth management.Load distribution over all RF links.Increased bandwidth 25 / 50 Mbps per platform (requires capable RF link).D. Robustness and Security. (see LOS Information Exchange Section G.).A-2 Information Exchange 23

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