Advanced 64-bit Microprocessors Product Family 79RC64574 ...

Advanced 64-bit Microprocessors Product Family 79RC64574 ...

Advanced 64-bit Microprocessors Product Family 79RC64574 ...


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79RC<strong>64</strong>574 79RC<strong>64</strong>575RC<strong>64</strong>574 Socket Compatibility to RC<strong>64</strong>474 & RC4<strong>64</strong>0The RC<strong>64</strong>574/575 is 100% pin compatible with the RC<strong>64</strong>474/475 with the supply voltage being the only difference. RC<strong>64</strong>474/475 requires a 3.3Vsupply, while RC<strong>64</strong>574/575 requires a 2.5V supply.To ensure socket compatibility between the RC<strong>64</strong>574/RC<strong>64</strong>474 and the RC4<strong>64</strong>0 devices, several pin changes are required, as shown in the tablesbelow. Note: The RC<strong>64</strong>574/575 are 2.5V parts and as such all Vcc must be at the correct voltage for a given part.PinRC4<strong>64</strong>0RC<strong>64</strong>574/RC<strong>64</strong>474Compatible toRV4<strong>64</strong>0?Comments1 N.C JTAG32 * Yes Pin h as an internal pull-down, t o enable 32-b it scan.Can also be left a N. C.48 V ss TDO Yes Can be driven with V ss , if JTAG is not need ed. Is tristated whenTR st* is low .49 V ss TMS Yes Can be drive n with V ss if JTAG is not needed .50 V ss TCK Yes Can be drive n with V ss if JTAG is not needed .51 V ss TRst* Yes Can be drive n with V ss if JTAG is not needed .52 V ss TDI Yes Can be drive n with V ss if JTAG is not needed .71 N.C. JR_V cc Yes Can be left N.C. in RC<strong>64</strong>574, if JTAG is not need. If JTAG isneeded, it must be d riven to V cc .Table 8 RC<strong>64</strong>574 Socket Compati bility to RC<strong>64</strong>474 and R4<strong>64</strong>0RC<strong>64</strong>575 Socket Compatibility to RC<strong>64</strong>475 & RC4650PinRV465032-<strong>bit</strong>RC<strong>64</strong>57532-<strong>bit</strong>RC<strong>64</strong>47532-<strong>bit</strong>RV4650<strong>64</strong>-<strong>bit</strong>RC<strong>64</strong>575<strong>64</strong>-<strong>bit</strong>RC<strong>64</strong>475<strong>64</strong>-<strong>bit</strong>Compatible toRV4650?Comments53 N.C. JTAG32* No Connect JTAG32* Yes In 32-<strong>bit</strong>, this pin can be left unconnectedbecause of internal p ull-d own.In <strong>64</strong>-<strong>bit</strong>, this assumes that JTAG willnot be used . If using JTAG, th is pinmust be at V cc .150 N.C. JR_V cc No Connect JR_V cc Yes In RC<strong>64</strong>475, can be left a N.C, ifJTAG is not need. If JTAG is n eeded,it must be driven to V cc .180 N.C. TDI No Connect TDO Yes If JTAG is no t needed, can be left aN.C.181 N.C. TRsT* No Connect TRsT* Yes If JTAG is no t needed, can be left aN.C.182 N.C. TCK No Connect TCK Yes If JTAG is no t needed, can be left aN.C.183 N.C. TMS No Connect TMS Yes If JTAG is no t needed, can be left aN.C.184 N.C. TDO No Connect TDIO Yes If JTAG is no t needed, can be left aN.C.Tabl e 9 RC<strong>64</strong>575 Soc ket Compatibility to RC<strong>64</strong>475 & RC465013 of 28 December 14, 2001

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