Final Technical Report - ACP Fish II

Final Technical Report - ACP Fish II

Final Technical Report - ACP Fish II


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Training for <strong>Fish</strong>eries Management Planning in Ethiopia<strong>Final</strong> <strong>Report</strong><strong>Fish</strong>erystakeholderb. Description ofstakeholder tasksc. Desiredperformance/expectationsd. Help e. HinderPoor coordinationamongstdifferentinstitutionsConflicts<strong>Fish</strong>eriesofficers/MoAadvice notheededf. Solutionstoobstaclesg. Nontrainingh.Trainingsolutioni. Learningobjectivej. Audit foractualperformanceRegionalIdentification of researchtopics for researchcentresAdvise bureau seniormanagement on fisheriesissues<strong>Report</strong> to seniormanagementLiaise with zonal fisheryofficersCollect information fromzonal offices on catchdata, cooperativesAdvise on development ofdirectivesProvide policy guidance onco-management approachto Bureau managementPrepare project proposalsto implement FMPIdentify research topicsrelated to co-managementand work closely withresearch institutionsReceive research resultsand use these to guidepolicy and extensiondecisionsAdvise on capacity buildingfor FMP implementationUnderstand the FMPmanpower and skills andknowledge requirementsof region, zonal, weredaUnderstand the ways inwhich multi-stakeholdercoordination should beachieved for fisheriesmanagementInitiate lake wide multistakeholderapproach tomanagementDevelop directives toA n n e x 4 | 2Project funded by the European UnionA project implemented by Cardno Emerging Markets (UK) Ltd

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