Final Technical Report - ACP Fish II

Final Technical Report - ACP Fish II

Final Technical Report - ACP Fish II


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Training for <strong>Fish</strong>eries Management Planning in Ethiopia<strong>Final</strong> <strong>Report</strong>TRAINERS NOTESTITLE: What is an FMP?Introduction (20 min)Trainer1. Brief the participants on the contents of thesession. Show introduction slide.2. Explain that at the session end participants will beable to describe what an FMP is and its contentand will know more about the following workshopsessions.3. Distribute and explain the relevance of theresource documentsDevelopment (1 hr )1. In plenary ask participants what they think a FMPis and list the ideas on flip chart/white board. Wayof finding out what people already know and helpfurther sessions.TraineesParticipants will get an overview of the session andwhat they will learn from it.They will receive resource documents to aid this andfollowing sessionsParticipants will mention what they think an FMP isParticipants will acquire knowledge on what a FMP isand what it consists ofPresent 1 slide presenting a definition from CCRF FM4.1Link participants responses to definitionSeek for any clarifications2. Ask why we think FMP are needed….what use arethey?Participants will acquire knowledge on why FMPs areimportantPresent slide outlining the importance of fisheries andneed to manage fisheries better and why (MRAGp9…update with latest SOFIA)3. Ask participants what they think a FMP shouldinclude/contain and record answersPresent slide showing content based on MRAG p10Refer to Table 4 at back of CCRF FMExplain that there are different formats for FMPParticipants will acquire knowledge on what an FMPcontains and the different stages in the developmentprocess.Participants will acquire more knowledge on thecontent of the following workshop sessions and whatthey will be doingMention that FMP is working document that needsconstant updatingPresent slide showing the stages in development of anFMP diag p3 MRAG on slide. Refer to Table p4 MRAGExplain that the workshop will focus on thedevelopment of key aspects of an FMP but that a draftdocument would need to be discussed with other keystakeholdersConclusion (20mins)Recap by Q & A on:Can someone define what an FMP is?Why are FMP important?What does an FMP contain?Is an FMP a one-off document or does it needupdating and if so why?Trainees answer questions and provide contribution.A n n e x 5 | 4Project funded by the European UnionA project implemented by Cardno Emerging Markets (UK) Ltd

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