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Endnotes1. Outcome Document of the Rio+20 Summit.2. Did you Know Technology and Internet Statistics, www.wsiforall.com3. US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Employment Projections:2012-2022 Summary (2013).4. As defined by the Rio+20 Conference.5. For example, see Annex 1 of “The State of Broadband 2012: Achieving DigitalInclusion for All” report.6. Booz & Co. (2009), “Digital Highways: The Role of Government in 21st-CenturyInfrastructure”.7. The Internet Matters study by the McKinsey Global Institute (2011) found that2.4 jobs are created through Internet industry for every job lost.8. World Bank ICT 4 Development Report 2009.9. See for example, the case studies of broadband in Panama and the Philippines,https://www.itu.int/ITU-D/treg/publications/bbreports.html10. http://africa.oneworld.net/development/ict-access-1/teachers-embrace-icts/11. Intel, “Women and the Web” report, January 2013.12. “Doubling Digital Opportunities: Enhancing the Inclusion of Women and Girls inthe Information Society”, Broadband Commission (2013).13. GSM Association (2010), Women & Mobile: A Global Opportunity, available at:www.vitalwaveconsulting.com/pdf/Women-Mobile.pdf14. http://www.childcount.org/about/15. “Scaling up Mobile Health: Elements Necessary for the Successful Scale up ofmHealth in Developing Countries”, Actevis Consulting Group.16. http://itu4u.wordpress.com/2014/05/02/case-studies-on-ehealth-achievingmdgs/17. http://www.childcount.org/about/18. http://www.crowdoutaids.org/wordpress/19. http://africa.oneworld.net/development/hiv/icts-and-the-fight-against-hiv-aidspandemic20. “Smart 2020: Enabling the low carbon economy in the information age”.21. http://www.businessinsider.com/growth-in-the-internet-of-things-market-2-2014-2#ixzz2vdillE2B22. MDG Target 8F: http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/global.shtml23. ITU/Cisco (2013), “Planning for Progress: Why National Broadband PlansMatter”, available from www.broadbandcommission.org24. PWC February 2013 “The Impact of the Connected Life Over the Next Five Years”.25. http://www.idf.org/diabetesatlas/5e/diabetes-in-low-middle-and-high-incomecountries26. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2430001827. http://www.who.int/features/2014/mobile-phones-diabetes-ramadan/en/28. ITU studies by Dr. Raul Katz, available at: http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/treg/broadband/ITU-BB-Reports_Impact-of-Broadband-on-the-Economy.pdf29. Chapter 1.6, World Economic Forum Global IT Report 2012.30. http://fatihprojesi.meb.gov.tr/tr/english.php31. World Economic Forum Global Risks Report 2012.32. Friedman, D. (1999), “Broadband access via satellite”, Computer Networks,Volume 31.33. Tian, Q. et al (2014), Journal of Posts and Telecommunications, Volume 20.34. N.Chuberre, O.Johnson (2013), Satellite broadband in Europe: Meeting theobjectives of the Digital Agenda, Eurescomm.35. Mohr, N. (2013). Satellite broadband: An ADSL and fibre alternative for those inremote areas, TechRadar Newsletter.36. Satellite connections are now available in all 28 countries SPEECH/13/829 byNeelie Kroes, 17/10/2013: “Every European digital on a connected continent”.Chapter 455

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