Annual Report 2011-2012 - Nabi.res.in

Annual Report 2011-2012 - Nabi.res.in

Annual Report 2011-2012 - Nabi.res.in

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NATIONAL AGRI-FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY INSTITUTEFigure 15: Gene exp<strong>res</strong>sion analysis <strong>in</strong> wheat leaves after 21 dpi with WDIV. (A) Up and down regulation of genes. (B)Venn diagram rep<strong>res</strong>ent<strong>in</strong>g the set of genes up regulated and down regulated dur<strong>in</strong>g virus <strong>in</strong>fection. (C) Hierarchicalcluster<strong>in</strong>g and changes <strong>in</strong> gene exp<strong>res</strong>sion <strong>in</strong> virus only or virus+satellites-<strong>in</strong>fected wheat plants at 21st day post <strong>in</strong>oculation(dpi). Gene tree maps were generated us<strong>in</strong>g k-mean cluster<strong>in</strong>g at 2 fold or higher differentially regulated wheat genes.6. Development of VIGS vector by accession number FM998042). The PDSmodify<strong>in</strong>g the viral genome: Two fragment was excised from the clon<strong>in</strong>gmodifications were done <strong>in</strong> viral genome by vector and was <strong>in</strong>serted <strong>in</strong>to the MCS ofremov<strong>in</strong>g a small stretch of nucleotides and viral genome us<strong>in</strong>g SpeI <strong>res</strong>triction<strong>in</strong>sert<strong>in</strong>g Multiple Clon<strong>in</strong>g Sites (MCS) at endonuclease. The viral genome hav<strong>in</strong>gthe same positions. The modified viral PDS was termed as VIGS-PDS. In order togenome was cloned <strong>in</strong> a plasmid vector for <strong>in</strong>fect wheat for silenc<strong>in</strong>g of the PDS gene,further manipulation.head-to-tail dimerization of VIGS-PDS wasdone <strong>in</strong>to pCAMBIA1301 b<strong>in</strong>ary vector.7. Validation of VIGS vector us<strong>in</strong>g visualThe PDS silenc<strong>in</strong>g cassette (pCAMBIAmarkers:A 327 bp fragment of phytoeneVIGS-PDS) was transformed <strong>in</strong>todesaturase (PDS) gene was amplified us<strong>in</strong>gAgrobacterium tumefaciens (stra<strong>in</strong>cDNA as a template prepared from wheatGV3101). The empty VIGS vector was also(Triticum aestivum L.). The amplifiedtransformed <strong>in</strong> Agrobacterium. Thefragment was cloned and sequenced tosilenc<strong>in</strong>g cassette and empty VIGS-vecto<strong>res</strong>tablish the identity. Sequence analysiswere <strong>in</strong>oculated to healthy wheat plantsshowed an identity of 99% with theseparately and scored for phenotype at 15previously reported PDS gene (GenBankdays (Figure 16 A, B and C).TAATATT/AC V E CV2IntronC2C1WDIV2783 bpV1Figure 16: Modification of WDIV for functional tool. (A) Genome organization of WDIV detected fromwheat <strong>in</strong> India and used for develop<strong>in</strong>g as VIGS-vector, C1-Rep Prote<strong>in</strong>, C2-Rep-A Prote<strong>in</strong>, V1-Coat Prote<strong>in</strong>,V2-Movement Prote<strong>in</strong>. (B and C) Leaves from silenc<strong>in</strong>g PDS-cassette <strong>in</strong>oculated (V), empty VIGS-vector(E) and un<strong>in</strong>oculated control (C) wheat plants. (C) Partial view of a VIGS-PDS <strong>in</strong>oculated wheat plant.15

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