Annual Report 2011-2012 - Nabi.res.in

Annual Report 2011-2012 - Nabi.res.in

Annual Report 2011-2012 - Nabi.res.in

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NATIONAL AGRI-FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE<strong>in</strong>duction without an <strong>in</strong>termediary calluso n M S m e d i a c o n t a i n i n g 6 -B e n z y l a m i n o p u r i n e ( B A P ) a n dThioridazuron (TDZ) (Figure 18 A).ii. Culture was ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed as the cont<strong>in</strong>uoussource of shoots.iii. Shoots were separated from the multipleexp<strong>res</strong>sion studies <strong>in</strong> transgenic wheat.a. Callus based regeneration oftransgenic wheat: The transient andstable exp<strong>res</strong>sion of reporter gene wasnoticed as blue colour on the embryosand callus-derived shoot bud,<strong>res</strong>pectively (Figure 19 A and C). NoFigure 19: GUS histochemical assay. (A) Transientexp<strong>res</strong>sion <strong>in</strong> embryos (blue color). (B) Non-transgenicembryos. (C) Stable exp<strong>res</strong>sion <strong>in</strong> callus-derived shootbud (blue color). (D) Non-transgenic shoot bud.shoot clumps and rooted on MS basalmedium conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g Indole-3-butynic acid(IBA) and Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA)(0.5mg/l each) (Figure 18 B).2. Establishment of genetic transformation:Several factors were considered for theoptimization of Agrobacterium-mediatedgenetic transformation. Mature embryoderived callus and direct multiple shoot<strong>in</strong>duction based <strong>in</strong>-vitro regeneration wasused for reporter (GUS-Intron) geneexp<strong>res</strong>sion of GUS was noticed <strong>in</strong> thecontrol embryos and shoot bud (Figure19 B and D).l· Direct multiple shoot <strong>in</strong>duction basedregeneration of transgenic:a. Stable exp<strong>res</strong>sion was noticed as bluecolor on the shoots developed withoutan <strong>in</strong>termediate callus (Figure 20 A andB). No exp<strong>res</strong>sion of GUS was noticed<strong>in</strong> control shoots (Figure 20 C).Figure 20: GUS histochemical assay. (A and B) Transformed germ<strong>in</strong>ated shoots (blue color). (C) Nontransformedshoots.17

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