SPORT SCIENCE - Professional Tennis Registry

SPORT SCIENCE - Professional Tennis Registry

SPORT SCIENCE - Professional Tennis Registry


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Side Plank RotationLying on right side, place right elbow under shoulder. Keep body in a straight line,tightening core and glutes. Raise right hip off the ground until straight with spine. Holdwhile left arm reaches down between ground and right side of body. Left arm almostreaches for trapezius, then turns to reach up to the sky. Do not touch the ground with theleft hand or arm. Keep the knees straight. Repeat 10 to 15 times. Maintain a slowcontrolled tempo. Switch sides.Russian TwistLie supine on a mat with both the torso and legs raised from the ground, and hands straightout grasping a medicine ball. Slowly rotate to the right, keeping the core tight bycontraction of transversus abdominis and obliques. Repeat this movement back to thecenter and to the left. Perform this movement for the appropriate number of repetitions(10 to 50).PTR Practical On Court Applications for Sport Science 53

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