Rooming houses: a guide for residents and operators - NWHN

Rooming houses: a guide for residents and operators - NWHN

Rooming houses: a guide for residents and operators - NWHN

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Table 4 (continued)Reason <strong>for</strong> issuing a‘Notice to Vacate’The rooming housemortgagee gainspossession of therooming house.The rooming house isto be sold immediatelyafter the termination datewith vacant possession orother relevant condition.The operator is doingmaintenance orconstruction work <strong>and</strong>:• has received allrelevant permits• needs an empty roomto do the works• does not have anequivalent roomavailable to providethe resident.No specified reason.Noticerequired28 days60 days60 days120 daysAn operator cannotgive a resident notice tovacate if the resident isusing their legal rights,or saying that they will.Sometimes, a roominghouse operator rents thebuilding from somebodyelse. In such cases, theowner of the building may give therooming house operator a ‘Noticeto Vacate’. If the building ownerwants the <strong>residents</strong> to leave, theymust give them at least 45 days’notice. This law comes into <strong>for</strong>cefrom 1 September 2011.When a resident’s notice period runs outIf an operator gives a resident valid notice<strong>and</strong> the resident has not left the roominghouse by the due date, the operator mayapply to VCAT <strong>for</strong> a possession order.An operator may also apply to VCAT ifthe resident has given notice of theirintention to vacate, <strong>and</strong> they are still inthe room seven days after the end dateon their notice.31

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